Экономить в магазинах по максимуму: что такое черри-пиккинг и как это работает

When can we pick cherries in California?

Brentwood Cherry Season typically opens in early May and extends through mid-June. Each season will bring slight deviations based on the weather and crop size. The farms cannot announce their plans for opening until very close to the opening day. It is a delicate matter: cherries ripen depending on how much sun they get.

Sign up for the {510} Families email to stay on top of the U-Pick season.

In 2023, cherry-picking will be hosted at different G&S Farms locations, each with different varieties. Call 925-634-1929 to confirm before you hit the road.

Photo courtesy of Jordan Latham

Orchards typically open between 8 am and 9 am and will usually close between 3 pm and 5 pm, or until ripe fruit is picked over. For most families, especially those with young children, it’s ideal to go early to avoid crowds and the afternoon heat.

Many farms are closed on the weekdays, saving the ripe fruit for weekend visitors.  G&S is opening their Dixon Ranch and Gonsalves orchards this weekend! You can walk in without reservations.

Общая информация

Cherry Picking — сбор вишенок — это процесс выбора из реализованных фич
тех, которые пойдут в ближайший релиз.

Когда это происходит: в том случае, если разработчам удалось создать
большое количество новых фич, но менеджмент считает, что не стоит
выкатывать сразу все.

Почему бы не выложить сразу все фичи:

  • Усложнится поиск багов — больше новых фич значит сложее разобраться
  • Может затянуться процесс тестирования — просто за счёт объёма
  • Может не хватить фич на следующий релиз — например настаёт период отпусков
    и PM знает, что за следующий спринт будет сделано намного меньше

Фото: freepik.com

How do I tell which cherries are ripe?

For the majority of cherries in Brentwood, you’ll be looking for a deep red color. Rainier cherries, a popular late variety usually available around Memorial Day Weekend, will be yellow with blush tones. For any cherry, you’ll want to pick them when they’re firm but just tender enough to easily bite. Cherries will not continue to ripen once picked, so be careful not to fill your bucket with unripe fruit. If you’re not sure, you are always welcome to sample a cherry or two.

Keep stems on cherries. Once a stem is removed, the shelf life of a cherry will drastically diminish. By keeping your cherries cool with the stem attached, you can expect your cherries to remain at their peak freshness for 3-5 days.

Gladly’s solution: People Match


Gladly saw an opportunity to turn cherry picking on its head by using the base upside–that agents become familiar with solving specific sets of customer issues–to a team’s advantage.

With People Match, a feature of Gladly’s platform, customers are routed to the best customer service teammate to help based on their unique history, situation, or needs.​ It ensures that the right person on your team is assigned to the job.​

Next, we’ll detail three key ways you can use People Match to route service issues to the right teammate.

Customer Status or Sentiment Routing

Customers can be routed by their status (say, a VIP customer) or their sentiment (a disgruntled shopper who needs special attention) to the teammate best equipped to handle the scenario.

Customer Scenario Routing

Any customer service professional knows how important context is and the overall urgency of the customer’s request. For example, if they have a flight cancellation or an abandoned cart with items they meant to purchase.

Customer Needs Routing

People Match helps specific skills or knowledge on a customer service team to really shine. If you have a customer service teammate who speaks Spanish or has become the go-to team expert in billing, People Match allows customers with those needs to be routed to the most skilled teammates in those areas.

Say Goodbye to Cherry Picking with Gladly

Gladly is a customer service platform for digitally-focused B2C companies who want to maximize the lifetime value of their customers. Unlike the legacy approach to customer service software, designed around a ticket or case to enable workflows, Gladly enables radically personal customer service centered around people to sustain customer loyalty and drive more revenue.


No more tickets: Shifting to customer-based CX software


Meet the Brands on Gladly

Some of the world’s most innovative consumer companies use Gladly to create lasting customer relationships, not one-off experiences.

  • TUMI
  • Tory Burch
  • Pacsun
  • Deckers
  • Godiva

Best Extendable Cherry Picker Tool

With everything that you need for harvesting cherries included, this extendable and adjustable fruit picker and collector will make it easy to reach cherries on every part of the tree.

  • Pros:
  • Includes a durable telescoping fiberglass handle
  • Double-locking system to keep all adjustments in place
  • Harvest and collect with a single tool
  • Cons:
  • Higher price point
  • No instructions for set-up/installation

Why We Like It: The Fiskars Extendable Fruit Picker is an all-encompassing cherry picker tool, with everything that you need to harvest cherries quickly and efficiently. The durable telescoping fiberglass pole can be adjusted from 6.6 ft. to 12 ft., allowing you to harvest from the hard-to-reach branches at the top of the tree.

The fruit picker basket itself includes FiberComp tabs that gently remove the ripe cherries from the branches, allowing them to fall into the attached washable mesh bag. The bag allows you to see exactly how many cherries have been collected. It can be removed for cleaning and replacements are available through the company if needed.

Who Should Buy It: The Fiskars Extendable Fruit Picker is a great solution for those that are willing to pay a little more for an all-encompassing and reliable tool.

Do Cherry Tomatoes Ripen off the Vine?

This is a common question: will my cherry tomatoes ripen off the vine? The answer is complicated, as it is sort of a yes and no.

In short, if you pick cherry tomatoes after they have begun changing color, then they will likely continue to ripen off the vine. If you pick the tomatoes while they are still pale green, then they will probably never turn red or ripen.

If you do pick tomatoes before they are a fully deep red color, always allow them to finish ripening. Cherry tomatoes will taste best when they are at their deepest red color. However, there are things you can do with unripe tomatoes.

So why do tomatoes continue to ripen? As explained by K State, tomatoes form a layer of cells that close off the tomato from the plant. This usually occurs when the tomato is halfway between a green color and the final ripeness color (often red).

If the tomato is picked after this cell wall forms, the tomato can continue to ripen off the plant. Picking a tomato after this occurs can also benefit the grower, since you can then control the temperature at which ripening happens.

Tip: Encourage your tomatoes to ripen faster by placing them in a warm location. You can also put them into a loosely closed bag to help trap ethylene gas and speed up color change.

Cherry Picking Tips and Facts

When Is Cherry Season?

Cherries are a summer fruit; however, each variety of cherries will have a slightly different optimal harvest time. Additionally, your location can impact the harvest date. Those that are growing cherries in warmer, southern areas like California may experience a harvest season that lasts from mid-April until early June. Meanwhile, those in the Northwest including Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, and Montana will experience cherry season from early June until the end of August.

Pay Attention to the Color

If you’re picking sweet cherries to eat fresh, you can predict the taste of your cherries by paying careful attention to the color. If you prefer a sweeter-tasting cherry, choose the darker colored cherries. Meanwhile, the more sour or tart cherries will be a lighter red.

Prevent Bruising

The biggest cause of bruising in cherries is the handling of the fruit itself by fruit pickers. During the process of harvesting the cherry, try to touch only the stem of the cherry, not the actual cherry itself. If you’re using a basket or container to collect your cherries after harvesting, you should hold the container no more than 12 inches under the cherries, when removing them from the branch. This allows them to land in the container safely without unnecessary bruising.

Don’t Remove the Stems

The fastest way to harvest cherries is to remove them from the tree without the stem as the fruit is easily pulled free. This is a great option if you’re planning to use your cherries immediately in baking or simply as a snack. However, keeping the stem on the cherry will keep your fruit fresh longer as it doesn’t break the skin where the stem is attached. Even if you’re only planning on holding onto your cherries for a couple of days, keeping the stems on is the best practice.

Avoid Direct Sunlight

After removing cherries from the tree, avoid leaving them in the sunshine, if possible. Freshly picked cherries need to be kept cool and placed into a refrigerator as soon as one is available. During the harvesting process, keep all cherries in a shaded area.

Wait to Wash Cherries

Your first instinct upon getting home with your cherries may be to wash them before storing them away in your refrigerator. However, washing fruit encourages it to spoil faster than it would if stored unwashed. This is largely due to the added moisture. Instead, dry your cherries thoroughly and wait to wash them when you’re ready to eat.

What to bring on your cherry-picking adventure:

Cash, just in case. Not only for cherries but enough for the other delicious fruits you’ll stumble across – apricots, peaches, etc. The farms used to be cash-only until the pandemic encouraged contactless payment. Be prepared with cash in case you find yourself at a fruit stand that is cash-only.

Buckets or baskets. The orchard may offer you a bag, but you might want to give your child a small container they can hold in one hand.

Hat. The Bay Area’s summer marine layer doesn’t push into Brentwood, so you can expect intensely sunny weather the majority of the time. Sunscreen is also a good idea.

Ice Chest. If you plan to extend your stay in Brentwood or the surrounding area, it’s a good idea to place your fruit in a chilled environment. On an average 85-degree day, car temperatures can exceed 130 degrees after an hour. If not bringing an ice chest, bring a box, large tote, or another container to bring your fruit home in. Note that for safety, you may have to leave your ice chest in the car.

Closed-toe shoes. Leave the sandals at home and bring a pair of old sneakers. This is especially important for small children. They’ll be walking in dirt with potential hidden dangers (rocks, pits, etc).

Water. While Brentwood is filled with shopping and restaurant options, there are limited opportunities to find water in the immediate growing region. Afternoon temperatures can often exceed 95 degrees in late May and you’ll want your family hydrated and refreshed to enjoy the experience of picking fruit together.

Wagon. Many families tell us that a wagon is a must-have. You can put your cherries in it to carry them from the orchard to the car, but more importantly, toddlers get tired of walking!

What to Know Before Your Cherry Picking Day Trip in Brentwood

Stay up to date with the cherry season.

Check out the Harvest Time in Brentwood Facebook page for current updates on U-pick cherry farms and what varieties of cherries they’re offering. 

Also, check out the website for information on open U-pick farms. You can call the farm in advance if you need to make a reservation.

Plan which farms you want to visit. 

As mentioned above, refer to the Harvest Time Facebook and website for up-to-date information. By planning, you’ll know where to go exactly and can account for travel time and distance. 

Some farms require reservations in advance, so you want to account for that. 

If you don’t want to plan, you can easily drive to one of many farms in the area. As you enter Brentwood, multiple signs point in all directions for picking cherries, other fruits, and vegetables. Feel free to go cherry picking hopping at different farms.

The varieties include Sweetheart, Rainers, Champagne, Bing, and more.

With the limited season, most people visit the cherry picking farms on the weekends. 

Visit the farms on the weekdays. 

If you have the opportunity to take a day off work or work a half-day, then it’s recommended to go cherry-picking on the weekdays. The cherry picking is more enjoyable and less stressful with fewer visitors on the farm.

Go early in the morning to beat the traffic, get a nice parking spot, and avoid the heat. 

Most of the farms open around 9am and close in the mid-afternoon (3pm – 4pm), or when cherries are sold out for the day. We’ve seen cars parked along the side of the roads which may be tight for cars passing by. We recommend arriving at the farms before 10am. 

Brentwood also gets hot (over 80°F) as the day progresses so it’s in your best interest to start early in the morning.

Consider bringing a car that you don’t mind getting dirty. 

Many of the farms have only dirt parking lots, so it gets very dusty in the area. You’ll need to wash your car after your day trip here. 

Wear comfy clothes, a hat, and closed-toe shoes. 

You want to be comfortable during your cherry picking time. Since you’re surrounded by orchards and farmland, the farm is dusty. 

How much does it cost to go cherry picking?

Cherries range in price from farm to farm. Some of our local Niagara farms will have an admission fee in place, and others will charge a a few dollars for the basket which you can keep.

Pre-picked prices range from $15-$30 for sour cherries and $20-$35 for sweet cherries, depending on the size pail you select.

Pick-your-own will be less, since you’re the one doing the labour!

If you’re looking for an awesome cherry pitting tool, we bought this cherry pitter that pits up to 6 cherries at a time. It saved us a lot of time and was only a couple dollars more than a single cherry pitter. Definitely worth it!

Photo by Taryn Elliott from Pexels

Best Thumb Knife

The small knife on the silicone thumb tool makes it easy to cut cherries free from the branch while the anti-cut finger cover makes sure that your forefinger is safe.

  • Pros:
  • Small and easy to store between uses
  • Finger design means not having to hold bulky tools
  • Includes two different cutting angles

Why We Like It: An alternative to the traditional fruit picker basket, a thumb knife allows you to pick cherries quickly and easily by cutting the stem free from the tree. The silicone thumb tool fits comfortably onto your thumb for use over an extended time. The package includes 2 different thumb knives, two protective forefinger sleeves, and a storage bag to hold everything together.

Unlike bulky harvesting tools, this simple thumb knife can easily be thrown into your pocket while heading out to do your gardening. This means that it’s on hand and ready to use at any point. It’s also multi-functional, able to assist you with harvesting a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. The only setback with this specific tool is that you have to be able to reach the cherries to harvest them.

Who Should Buy It: Gardeners that prefer harvesting their cherries by hand will enjoy the assistance of this low-cost and easy-to-use cherry picker tool.

Recommended U-Pick Farm: Nunn Better Farms

We recommend Nunn Better Farms as we’ve gone there for many years.

The orchard is huge and the areas are sectioned off depending on the cherries’ ripeness. Plus, the farm consistently offers high-quality cherries that are firm and of large size. We usually pick the Bing cherries here. 

Nunn Better Farms offers free parking in their dirt parking lot and doesn’t require reservations to enter.

As of 2022, the cherries cost $4.00 per pound. We think it’s a fair price as the cherries are big and sweet. 

For updated information such as operating hours and schedule, check out their .


  • Location 1: 5500 Balfour Road, Brentwood
  • Location 2 (main farm): 2777 Sellers Avenue, Brentwood

Cherry Recipes

If you can keep yourself from eating the delicious cherries you’ve picked right out of the bucket on the way home, you can try one of these amazing recipes we found. Whether you want to make something sweet or savory, there are plenty of recipes to try:

Try Cherry Bomb Chicken from Sugar Dish Me — Wow! This looks like a terrific way to use cherries in the main course of your summer entertaining plans.

How about a Cherry Smoothie from Dinner at the Zoo? — This looks like a dessert and a healthy snack at the same time!

Make this Fresh Cherry Cobbler from AllRecipes — This recipe calls for fresh cherries, which is what you’ll have after visiting these farms. All it takes is time to pit them!

How about this Over-The-Top Cherry Jam from Taste of Home — Play your cards right and you’ll be able to enjoy your summer’s cherry harvest for months to come!

Try this Cherry Cheesecake from the Kitchn — The photos make this look like perfection, and we’re sure that no matter what yours looks like, it’ll be delish!

What about these Cherry Pie Crumb Bars from Crunchy Creamy Sweet — They look almost too beautiful to eat — almost!

And a classic Juicy Cherry Pie from Taste of Home — Wow! There’s a reason the classics became the classics. This pie looks like the perfect dessert for your summer BBQ!

Whatever you make with your fresh cherries, we hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: MomsLA has made every effort to confirm the information in this article; however, things can often change. Therefore, MomsLA makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy of the information published here. MomsLA strongly urges you to confirm any event details, like date, time, location, and admission, with the third party hosting the event. You assume the sole risk of relying on any of the information in our list. MomsLA is in no way responsible for any injuries or damages you sustain while attending any third-party event posted on our website. Please read our Terms of Use which you have agreed to based on your continued use of this website. Some events have paid to be listed on MomsLA.

git cherry-pick



существует команда

git cherry-pick

Если сделать черри пик и потом смерджить ветку из которой он был сделать — появится дубль черрипикнутого коммита.

Это может внести путаницу, если не все в курсе происходящего.

Когда использовать git cherry pick

git cherry-pick-полезный инструмент, но не всегда лучшая практика.

Сбор вишни может привести к дублированию коммитов, и во многих сценариях,
где сбор вишни будет работать, вместо этого предпочтительны традиционные слияния (merge).

С учетом сказанного git cherry-pick-это удобный инструмент для нескольких сценариев…

Командное сотрудничество.

Часто команда находит отдельных членов, работающих в одном и том же коде или вокруг него.

Возможно, новая функция продукта имеет бэкэнд и фронтенд-компонент.

Возможно, существует некоторый общий код между двумя секторами продукта.

Возможно, бэкэнд-разработчик создает структуру данных, которую также должен
будет использовать фронтэнд.

Фронтенд-разработчик может использовать git cherry-pick для выбора коммита,
в котором была создана эта гипотетическая структура данных.

Этот выбор позволит разработчику frontend продолжить работу над своей частью проекта.

Исправления ошибок

При обнаружении ошибки важно как можно быстрее доставить исправление
конечным пользователям. Например,предположим, что разработчик начал работу над новой функцией

Во время разработки этой новой функции они выявляют уже существующую ошибку.

Разработчик делает коммит с исправлением этой ошибки.

Этот новый коммит с патчем может быть добавлен непосредственно в мастер,
чтобы исправить ошибку, прежде чем она повлияет на большее количество пользователей.

Также может возникнуть ситуация когда ошибку нашли в более поздней версии продукта, а добавить фикс нужно в несколько предыдущих версий, которые ещё не вышли из употребления.

Отмена изменений и использование коммитов из уже неактивных веток

Иногда ветвь функции может устареть и не слиться с мастером.

Иногда запрос на вытягивание может быть закрыт без слияния.

Git никогда не теряет эти коммиты, и с помощью таких команд, как git log и git reflog,
их можно найти и вернуть к жизни.



Как использовать git cherry pick

Чтобы продемонстрировать, как использовать git cherry-pick, предположим, что у нас есть
репозиторий со следующим состоянием ветви:

использование git cherry-pick является прямым и может быть выполнено следующим образом:

git cherry-pick commitSha

В этом примере commitSha -это commit reference.

Нужный коммит можно найти с помощью git log.

git log —oneline

Лог из другой ветки можно изучить с помощью

git log имя_ветки —oneline

В этом примере мы хотим черрипикнуть commit `f` в master.

Сначала мы удостоверяемся, что работаем над master.

git checkout master

Затем мы выполняем cherry-pick следующей командой:

git cherry-pick f

После выполнения наша git history будет выглядеть так:

Коммит f был успешно черрипикнут в главную ветвь

Примеры git cherry pick

git cherry pick также может выполнен с различными опциями:


Передача опции -edit приведет к тому, что
git запросит commit message перед применением операции cherry-pick


Опция —no-commit выполнит выбор вишни, но вместо того,
чтобы сделать новый commit, она переместит содержимое
цели в рабочий каталог текущей ветви.


Опция —singoff из системы
добавит строку ‘singoff’ подпись в конец cherry-pick коммит сообщения

В дополнение к этим полезным опциям git cherry-pick также принимает различные
варианты стратегии слияния.

Подробнее об этих параметрах читайте в документации git merge strategies.

Кроме того, git cherry-pick также принимает ввод опций для разрешения конфликтов слияний,
включая опции: —abort —continue и —quit эти опции рассматриваются более подробно в
отношении git merge и git rebase.


cherry-pick — это мощная и удобная команда, которая невероятно полезна в нескольких сценариях.
cherry-pick не должен использоваться неправильно вместо git merge или git rebase. Команда журнала Git-это обязательно поможет найти обязуется сливки.

Cherry Picking and Fraud

Another version of cherry picking involves the fraudulent practice of allocating winning trades to an adviser’s personal account or to favored clients–a process banned by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC is responsible for maintaining a fair and orderly functioning securities markets.

Typically, investment managers initiate block orders in the market to buy or sell for all of their customer accounts simultaneously. Block orders or aggregated orders are processed electronically through order management systems. Those trades can have either gains or losses associated with them. 

The fraudulent act of cherry picking involves investment managers selecting specific profitable or unprofitable trades and allocating them in a manner of their choosing. For example, the investment manager might allocate the profitable trades to their own personal account or to certain clients in order to give them preferential treatment.

Conversely, the losing trades might be allocated to other accounts of the investment manager’s choosing. Any trades that were allocated to the investment manager’s personal account or the employees of the firm would be done at the expense of the clients of the investment management firm.

Q: Why do product teams cherry-pick data to support their point of view or hypotheses?

Data cherry-picking is not tied to a specific role, such as junior specialists, PMs, engineers or analysts. It also can be intentional or unintentional. Here are the most common causes of data cherry-picking according to the experts we spoke to: 

  • Cognitive biases
  • Not understanding the profit drivers of the business
  • Wanting to launch a product or a feature at any cost
  • Building the product for the founders instead of users

Let’s dig deeper into those issues.

Gleb Romanyuk (Economist at Amazon Web Services)

A product manager is rewarded for launching products and features. Therefore, the PM is often biased towards analysis outcomes that favor launches of products and features. The tradeoff is that this kind of analysis often ignores the impact of product launches on the business as a whole. It is both intentional and unintentional. Amazon has a great corporate culture and I have never seen people intentionally defrauding data to make a point. But they sometimes select data points that are favorable to their hypotheses. 

For example, a senior product manager has been working on a new product for one year and it’s time for the launch. Suddenly, the VP gets concerned that it might cannibalize the rest of the business and asks to do a further financial analysis. Now guess what happens. The PM will find customer anecdotes that indicate that cannibalization doesn’t happen (and will ignore those that indicate the opposite). Then, an economist on his team will do a quantitative analysis using various methods and reach a different conclusion. But the PM will claim that the most robust method was the one which gave the highest positive estimate of the financial impact of the new product.

Casey Phillips (Senior Product Manager, AI/ML at Uber)

I’ve seen individuals cherry-pick data out of ignorance by not truly understanding the big picture of what the data represents and the appropriate analysis necessary to paint an accurate representation. In most cases though I believe data cherry-picking happens when someone wants something to be true and believes it is true and lets this internal bias manipulate the way they perceive the true reality of the data they’re interpreting.

Eugene Ter-Avakyan (Senior Product Manager Travel Search at Huawei) 

In many cases, cherry-picking is not intentional; instead, people are so invested in their projects that they fail to dig deep enough when they see what they want to see. The best example I can share sometimes happens during meetings with leadership when teams are hard-pressed to present their progress positively. There is a considerable temptation to show only “good” numbers. Sometimes it’s just giving the relative growth values and omitting the absolute values: monthly growth of 300% sounds much better than growth from 10 to 30 sales.

Cristian Garcia (Senior Product Manager at Publicis Sapient)

I have seen cherry-picking data too many times in order to support metrics that will later on be shared amongst other teams, customers or leadership. The reasons behind this practice were diverse, from trying to fit a rushed product or feature released to building something for the founders and not the users. The cycle created is dangerous, as the product team could start manipulating the information shared until they get an ‘actual result’.

How Long for Tomatoes to Turn Red?

It is easy to get antsy waiting for your tomatoes to turn red on the plant. However, this natural process can’t be rushed. The time it takes will depend on weather conditions, rain, and heat.

Once tomatoes begin to ripen, they will turn fully red within a few days. However, the primary factor that affects ripening speed is temperature.

Warmer temperatures will encourage faster ripening. If you have picked tomatoes that are underripe, place them in a bag and put it in a warm location, checking on them daily. Tomatoes will have the ideal flavor when they are fully red (or whatever color your variety should be).

Read Next:

  • Growing cherry tomatoes in pots (guide)
  • Dehydrating cherry tomatoes
  • Best fertilizers for tomatoes

I hope this article has helped you to feel confident about when to pick cherry tomatoes. When in doubt, wait for the tomatoes to change color before picking.


Hi, I’m Calvin, creator of Tomato Geek. I have over a decade of gardening experience and I love helping others grow healthy plants!

Правила покупок черри-пикера

Начинающий черри-пикер в приступе потребительского азарта имеет все шансы клюнуть на нечестные скидки или накупить ненужных продуктов только потому, что они по сниженной цене. Чтобы подобного избежать, достаточно придерживаться простых принципов. 

Следить за ценами на различные категории товаров

Отслеживать изменения цены на товары из своей стандартной потребительской корзины полезно. Эта привычка помогает не вестись на псевдоакции, когда цена со скидкой не сильно отличается от стандартной.

Всегда проверять срок годности

Уважающие себя производители и торговые сети вряд ли будут нарочно, хотя все может быть, устраивать распродажу товаров с истекшим сроком годности, но иногда на полках просрочка появляется из-за невнимательных продавцов. На всякий случай стоит быть внимательным.

В магазин — только со списком

Список помогает защититься от незапланированных покупок. Есть в списке — берем, нет — не покупаем. Можно записывать просто на листе бумаги, в заметках в смартфоне или в специальном приложении.

Покупать оптом

Экономить часто помогают оптовые закупки или просто выбор упаковки большего размера.

Но у такого подхода есть и минусы: квартира легко может превратиться в оптовый склад. Впрочем, тщательное планирование помогает избежать захламления.

Не брать товар только из-за скидки

Скидки часто провоцируют нездоровый ажиотаж, и маркетологи тоже в курсе этого. Всегда велик риск накупить скоропортящихся продуктов (скидка же!) или одежду, которую не наденете после примерочной больше никогда. Получается, деньги на распродаже потеряли, а не сэкономили. Поэтому хорошенько подумайте, действительно ли вам нужен товар со скидкой. Если распродажа будет длиться еще долго, отложите покупку и вернитесь к ней позже.

Использовать карты лояльности и кешбэк

В каждом из привычных магазинов заведите скидочную карту. По картам лояльности обычно небольшие скидки, но в некоторых случаях по хорошей цене продают товар только держателям карт, а для всех остальных цена обычная. Также немного сэкономить поможет дебетовая карта с кешбэком.

Types of Cherries Grown in Southern California

Farmers in the Leona Valley have been growing cherries for 50 years, and the region is known for several varieties of cherries:

  • Bing Cherries — the most prevalent kind in California, sweet
  • Brooks Cherries — a sweet variety
  • Burlat Cherries — an early sweet variety
  • Lapin Cherries
  • Montmorency Cherries — a variety of sour cherry
  • Rainer Cherries — a yellow niche variety with a red blush
  • Skeena Cherries — considered a late-season cherry
  • Stella Cherries — a bright red variety
  • Tartarian Cherries — a sweet dark variety
  • Tulare Cherries — a large, dark red variety, not quite as firm as Bing, a bit tart, but still sweet
  • Van Cherries — a dark, sweet, mid-season variety

Review sorting and buffering

With our buffer system, reviews are sorted and collated based on the algorithm of a predetermined specification. We use the BART framework and algorithm to sort the reviews and get rid of the false reviews so that our verdicts won’t be contaminated. BART is a machine learning model that allows us to group reviews by the type of review they are. It is usually used on Amazon reviews, it helps the company to make sure that their review policy is followed and they can provide a better experience for customers.

One of our most important tasks is filtering out bad reviews. Our algorithm is very rule-based and analyzes and evaluates every single sentence from the scraped reviews. It then checks these against texts from reviews we know are reliable and ruthlessly removes the non-conforming ones.

How Many Cherry Tomatoes Per Plant?

While we’re on the subject of harvesting, let’s discuss yields. Cherry tomatoes can be highly prolific plants, but only if the conditions are ideal.

In short, a single cherry tomato plant can produce hundreds of individual fruits. However, yields can vary drastically based on weather conditions, container size, and tomato variety.

To increase your plant yields, use these tips:

  • Grow in large enough containers
  • Use nutrient rich soil and add compost if possible
  • Pick ripe fruits promptly
  • Prune away excess foliage and shoots (especially for indeterminate varieties)
  • Fertilize regularly
  • Cloning tomato suckers

I have experimented with many different growing methods and always find that these are the most important for better yields. Cherry tomatoes can be incredibly prolific. During late summer, I often have handfuls of new cherry tomatoes every single day!

When to Pick Cherry Tomatoes

There are a few main signals that your cherry tomatoes are ready for harvest. Depending on your climate, it may take more or less time for tomatoes to mature, so use these signs to know when:

Simply put, cherry tomatoes are ready for harvest when they change color from green. Once colors change, pick them promptly or you could run the risk of your tomatoes splitting or being eaten by wild animals.

  • Colors change from green to red
  • Fruits are easy to pick
  • Time from transplanting

Ripe cherry tomatoes.

Since cherry tomatoes come in a variety of shapes and colors (check out some cool cherry tomato seeds here), you will have to determine what color to look for. I have grown yellow cherry tomatoes, orange, red and even striped!

I recommend picking cherry tomatoes a few days after the color begins to change. You can wait longer for a deeper color change, however the risk of splitting increases, especially if you are expecting heavy rain.

In addition to color changes, ripe tomatoes will be easier to remove from the vine. Many veggies become easier to harvest when they are ripe, and cherry tomatoes are no different. Gently roll the tomato to the side to see if it easily pops off the plant.


In addition to a distinct change in color, I recommend keeping track of the time. How long has your cherry tomato plant been alive? Most tomato seed packets will indicate how long the variety typically takes to produce ripe fruits from transplanting.

Unripe cherry tomatoes.

For example, many tomato varieties are ready for harvest after about 75 days. This is the number of days from transplanting outdoors, not from when the seeds were planted.

If your plants have been outdoors for the expected time to harvest, then you should begin expecting ripe tomatoes!

Product Ranked by CherryPicks-AI

To get the best results, We developed an in-house CherryPicks-AI rating system that uses the TensorFlow framework to generate the best list. Excerpt CherryRatings-AI, which mainly evaluates customer review content, The score of items is based on over ten parameters such as analyzing customer review content, Seller feedbacks score, product reviewing rating statistics, brand reputation evaluation, comparing product price with features, etc.

Products are scored based on the weight assigned to the reviews, seller feedback, brand reputation, and so on based on users. Either perfect or fair reports and comments from consumers, there are specific weights the AI machine allot to each. Weights are summed and rated on average to arrive at a score. 

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