Coursera vs. udemy vs. edx: comparison

Udemy vs coursera: which learning platform is best in 2024?

Frequently Asked Questions

Do employers like online certificates?

Online certificates are becoming increasingly popular among both job seekers and employers. With the rise of online learning platforms, such as Coursera, Udacity, and edX, online certificates have become an affordable and convenient way to gain new skills and knowledge.

Employers generally appreciate candidates who have invested time and effort into learning new skills, and online certificates can be a great way to demonstrate that. Moreover, online certificates often cover the latest technologies and tools, which can be particularly valuable in fast-moving industries.

However, it’s worth noting that not all online certificates are created equal. Employers may be more impressed by certificates from reputable institutions or those that are recognized in the industry. It’s also important to consider the quality and rigor of the program, as some online courses may be less rigorous than traditional in-person courses.

Ultimately, whether an employer values online certificates will depend on the specific company and industry. However, as online learning becomes more mainstream, it’s likely that employers will increasingly recognize the value of online certificates as a way for candidates to develop new skills and stay current in their field.

Are the courses on these platforms taught by professionals?

Yes, the courses on Udemy, Coursera, Skillshare, LinkedIn Learning platforms are taught by professionals from various fields.

These online learning platforms offer a wide range of courses on various topics, ranging from business and technology to creative arts and personal development. The courses are taught by experts who have years of experience and expertise in their respective fields.

Round 9: Which One Is Better For Businesses

Many businesses and organizations like to offer their employees a source to keep on learning and develop their professional skills. Udemy and Coursera aren’t an exception.

Udemy for Business offers the Enterprise, Team plan and Leadership Development Programs. The Team plan is for 5-20 users and costs $360 per user a year. The Enterprise plan is for 21 or more users, and you will need to contact sales for pricing. Both of these plans give you access to 14,000+ courses. The Leadership Development Program needs you to contact sales, where you can also request a demo.

Udemy Business Plans

Coursera for business offers training and development programs that have been developed by top institutions for Businesses. Coursera has a couple of packages Team and Enterprise. The Team package is for teams and small organizations and is $399 per user annually for a team or small organization (5-125 users) who will get access to 5,000+ courses. The second option is the Custom Pricing that is larger organizations.

Coursera for Business plans

Pricing Options

The prices of Coursera courses vary extensively. Individual courses are priced between $30 to $100, while some degree programs can cost as much as $20,000. Coursera also offers the Coursera Plus plan, charged at $399 for year-long access to thousands of courses.

Udemy courses hover around an average of $50 per course. However, content creators typically offer heavy discounts on their courses in an attempt to beat competitors. As a result, you can get top-notch courses at a very cheap rate.

LinkedIn Learning courses are priced at $20 to $50 for lifetime access to a single course. Or, you can use the subscription route by paying $29.99 for monthly access to thousands of courses or a yearly subscription of $239.88 priced at $19.99 per month.

Winner: Thanks partly to heavy discounts, and coupons, Udemy is the cheapest option of the three for individual courses. However, LinkedIn Learning and Coursera are cheaper if you want to purchase multiple courses.

Udemy vs Coursera: Prices

Udemy is a platform with a specified category of courses that are the bestselling in its field. These courses often have regular pricing of about $199 but are seen to be mainly on a sale. This sale lists them in an amount worth 95% less and about $10.

Other than the bestselling courses, most of the other courses on Udemy tend to stay at the same price throughout their timeline. Hence, you can find the best course in a particular category for yourself for anywhere between $10-$15.

On the other hand, Coursera provides a free auditing option to its users. The users can sign up for free on the website and can watch over 1,000 courses on the platform for no cost. But when you want to avail its other features, such as graded assignments, certificates, and mentorship, you would have to pay the fee charged by Coursera.

Coursera charges you for the time that you avail of a course. Most of its subscriptions are divided into three forms which are monthly, quarterly, and half-yearly. The standard price you’ll have to pay for availing of Coursera’s courses lies anywhere between $40-$80. You can also check our working Coursera Plus Discount Offer here.

Related Read:

  • Udemy vs Skillshare
  • Skillshare vs MasterClass
  • Lynda vs Skillshare
  • Udemy Statistics
  • How Often Does Udemy Have Sales

Udemy vs Coursera: Structuring and Timing of Courses

When you buy a course on Udemy, you are given lifetime access to all the course content, which you can use to learn and complete at your own pace. This is an excellent option for people with a random lifestyle and constant work. However, since there are no deadlines or time commitments, you can also work on completing the course whenever you want.

On Coursera, the platform has made all of its programs structured and similar to online college classes. When choosing a course, you must first enroll, whether paying or auditing, to keep up with the other students.

Then, you must keep up with the syllabus, submit assignments, attend lectures, converse with other coursemates, and receive feedback.

This makes Coursera more structured and practical for those who prefer following a schedule.

About Coursera

Coursera is an online college. It’s a video-based online learning platform focused on academic subjects. The courses are created by universities and industry-leading companies to guarantee the highest quality.

Coursera focuses on academic topics. So, it’s understandable that there are fewer courses than on Udemy. But these courses pack a punch! They are often accompanied by peer-reviewed homework and fictional projects you can work on. I just started a content marketing course by UC Davis. Awesome!

Each course has its own forum. Those forums are very well structured, have a lot of content and an active community.

Coursera is all about the certifications you earn when you complete the courses. Depending on the course, the assignments you have to do will have a deadline you need to follow.

Udemy vs Coursera: Community

Udemy provides many more courses than most other online education platforms globally. The number of learners on the platform resonates in proportion with this number of courses. But even after having such a widespread student community, it does not provide a proper forum for its learners.

As important as providing the right kind of content at the right price may be, not having a proper community forum does not go unnoticed. Due to this, many students leave studying and working on their course halfway.

Contrastively, Coursera does not provide courses in as abundance as Udemy. But to support the quality of its courses and ensure that its learners complete their courses timely, it provides a properly built and managed community forum.

The forum is helpful for learners having any issues on the platform while learning on it. The community of learners is also appropriately watched over and managed. Therefore, it provides a suitable space for learners to discuss their queries and thoughts.

Brief About Coursera

Coursera is an American organization that offers online courses. Coursera also has both free and paid courses. With the expectation of free courses, which are profoundly qualified as far as contents and pertinence are concerned, you need to pay for the certificate issuance, while for private courses, the tuition fee and certificate issuance are both added to the tuition fee.

One of its fundamental features on Coursera is that its courses are disseminated in association with prestigious advanced colleges, such as

  • Duke University
  • Stanford
  • UC San Diego
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • Imperial College London
  • University of Virginia
  • USP

Along these lines, Coursera is one of the principal platforms for individuals who need professional courses with scholarly and proficient validity. It is likewise important that a significant number of the courses available on the Coursera platform are pieces of the alleged Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), such that a large number of these courses are free and qualified, with just the issuance expense being charged with certification.


Who wouldn’t love free courses? If you’re looking for a platform that offers more no-cost learning options, Coursera is the way to go.

With over 2500 free courses, Coursera far surpasses Udemy’s 550. Another good thing is that you can audit a paid course on Coursera for free.

Udemy’s courses range in price from $19.99 to $199.99, while Coursera courses typically cost between $29 and $99. Both provide a free trial. However, some Coursera courses are part of Specialisations or MasterTrack programs, in which a module in the latter costs $2,000 or more.

One can get into Coursera degree programs starting at least $9000.

If you’re looking for a platform that offers more specialised programs, such as degrees and masters, Coursera is the clear winner.

Udemy offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, while Coursera provides a 14-day refund policy. So, if you need a better grace period, Udemy is the way to go.

One of the best perks of Coursera is getting a year-long subscription at $339. Interestingly, this doesn’t limit you to a handful of courses; you can access course materials for almost any course on the platform. Plus, you get a certificate for all courses completed within the year.

Keeping this pricing information in mind can help you choose which platform will most appeal to your target students. 


Udemy VS Coursera, что лучше?

Как Udemy, так и Coursera являются рекомендованными платформами онлайн обучения. Хотя Udemy более популярна за счёт числа курсов и языков, Coursera известна качественными программами и аккредитованными сертификатами.

Какое основное отличие Udemy от Coursera?

Основное отличие Udemy от Coursera заключается в курсах, которые предлагаются компаниями. Udemy предлагает короткие и менее дорогие курсы для свободного обучения. Coursera предлагает курсы университетского уровня, которые требуют усилий для завершения.

Как вы выбираете на какие образовательные платформы онлайн курсов сделать обзор?

Мы выбираем платформы для онлайн обучения по размеру их рынка, популярности и самое главное, запросов наших пользователей или общего интереса найти честные MOOC обзоры про определённые платформы для онлайн обучения.

Как много вы изучаете перед написанием обзора на платформы для онлайн обучения?

Наши эксперты по MOOC проводят исследования неделями — только после этого они могут сказать, что их оценки различных аспектов финальные и завершённые. Даже несмотря на то, что это занимает много времени, это единственный способ гарантировать, что все основные особенности платформы для онлайн обучения протестированы и проверены, а вердикт основан на реальных данных.

Какой аспект самый важный при выборе того, какая платформа для онлайн курсов лучшая?

Было бы не правильно уделять внимание только лишь одному аспекту из выборки: приоритеты зависят от определённого человека, его ценностей, пожеланий и целей

То, что важно для одного человека, может быть совершенно безразлично для другого. В любом случае, все пользователи согласятся, что хорошее качество обучающего материала является необходимостью, если это платформа для онлайн курсов

В любом случае, все пользователи согласятся, что хорошее качество обучающего материала является необходимостью, если это платформа для онлайн курсов.

Как этот сайт для обзоров платформ онлайн обучения отличается от других?

Каждая платформа для обзора MOOC уникальна и имеет свои цели и ценности. Наши обзоры онлайн обучения на 100% честные и написаны после проведения тщательного анализа. Это цель, которой недостаёт многим платформам по обзору сайтов онлайн обучения, поэтому мы считаем это нашей суперсилой!

Coursera Vs Udemy: The Influence

Coursera Udemy
Coursera is exclusively more favorable for professional learners because it carries advanced-level learning concepts which are valid on the professional level Udemy is accessible and easier for everyone. You don’t need to be an expert in your craft because here things begin from a very basic level and then you reach the point of specialization if you aim to.
The ideas and opinions shared by the course content over here are elaborated in the series. There are innumerable specializations that are offered to the concerned learners. The specialization courses over here are usually not in the form of series but are rather present individually to suit the needs.
Course content over here is developed as per the professional requirements and is finalized right when the university associated with it approves it. Course content is developed by the instructor so it varies in terms of learning difficulty. Sometimes there are going to be multiple topics regarding a subject of interest while sometimes, you will get only a basic level of understanding.

Coursera Vs Udemy: Course Content

Coursera Udemy
Coursera content consists of several video lectures alongside written documents consisting of your assessments. Sometimes, supplementary reading lists are also added to the list and there can be PowerPoint slides depending on the nature of the course. Most of the time, video lectures are offered to you for the sake of taking guidance. In association with that, you may get transcriptions along the courses.
The content is reviewed properly and is top-notched right from the experts’ table. Since anyone can become an instructor, the course content is often flawed or incomplete. Though the Udemy review team reviews it, still it lacks the immaculate level of Coursera.
The course content can be downloaded offline and can also be accessed through the mobile application. It also comes with an alternative version of the official mobile application where you can access the course content offline after downloading them.
Discussion forums are available where the learners can actively take part in discussions about several questions concerning the course. There is a lack of discussion forums and students have to sort out their queries on their individual experiences.
In the case of degrees, live global sessions are organized where instructors and other members of the forum help you resolve your queries and share their opinions on various significant matters. You can also write your queries to your concerned instructor. There is no concept of live interaction on the platform. Once you purchase the course content, you complete it at your own pace. There is no interaction between you and your instructor and by the end, Udemy tracks your progress for the sake of certification.
Course content is available in all the major languages including Arabic, Dutch, German, Korean, French, and Spanish. Course content is available in innumerable languages including the local ones too.
You can explore the review underneath the description of the course in which you are interested. Reviews and ratings are left by the students alongside the description and you can read the reviews regarding the course.

Пример курса Coursera.

Фоллоwing Вот несколько конкретных примеров, которые лучше различают Coursera и Udemy:

НАШИ КУРСЫ University
Cloud Computing Университет штата Иллинойс
Структуры данных и алгоритмы Калифорнийский университет, Сан-Диего
Графический дизайн Калифорнийский институт искусств
Английский для развития карьеры Университет Пенсильвании
Оптическая инженерия Университет Колорадо Боулдер
Эпидемиология для общественного здравоохранения Имперский колледж Лондона
Наука благополучия Йельский университет
Организационный дизайн и управление HEC Paris
Буддизм и современная психология Принстонский университет

Преподаватели курса


Довольно много курсов по Udemy Платформа предоставляется экспертами и настоятельно рекомендуется. В Udemy любой может разработать курс. Это указывает на то, что когда дело доходит до качества курса, могут быть различия. Следовательно, необходимо провести исследование, чтобы убедиться, что вы записались на хороший и известный курс.

Чтобы создать курс на Udemy, вам нужно всего лишь чтобы создать свою учетную запись и посмотреть ознакомительное видео о руководствах вводного курса. В Udemy вы можете пройти курс, предлагаемый предпринимателями, поварами, ораторами, авторами или профессионалами.

Вы также можете встретить предлагаемые курсы, в которых люди просто собирают данные из онлайн-источников и создают свой базовый курс. Прежде чем проходить какой-либо курс от Udemy, необходимо провести комплексную проверку.


In Coursera, проверьте имя инструктора, прежде чем пройти курс, и заплатите за него. Если у них есть профиль в LinkedIn, который указывает на их профессиональный опыт, и если у них есть курсы Линды, это признак того, что курсы какие-то качественные.

Кроме того, Coursera очень тесно сотрудничает с университетами и колледжами. Таким образом, курсы проверяются и преподаются опытными преподавателями. Таким образом, вы можете получить доступ к экспертам из лучших колледжей и университетов мира.

Случайным образом, если вы выберете инструктора из Udemy и Coursera, у преподавателя Coursera, вероятно, будет степень доктора философии. это дает им власть.

Но если вы просто хотите освоить какие-то новые базовые навыки, например, Microsoft Excel, квалификация преподавателя может не иметь значения, если он сможет научить вас тому, что вы хотите. В таком случае инструктор из Udemy может удовлетворить ваши требования.

Udemy vs Coursera: Business Model & Revenue

Udemy’s business model is simple: each course is sold individually and learners get lifetime access to it. There’s one exception: their Udemy Pro subscription, which offers a small curated collection of 24 courses for preparing for various IT certifications and costs $19.99 per month.

90% of Udemy courses are paid. Course prices range from $19.99 to $199.99 (without any discounts or deals). But Udemy is known to run a lot of promotions bringing the cost of the courses down.

On the B2B side of things, Udemy for Business costs $360/user/year for a catalog of 7,000+ courses, a small subset of their full catalog. They claim to have 7,000+ enterprise customers. In October 2020, Udemy announced that their enterprise business generated $100 million in annual recurring revenue.

According to Forbes, Udemy’s revenue likely exceeded $400 million in 2020.

Coursera’s business model, on the other hand, is a bit more complicated. Originally, the platform was completely free. It took several years of iterative changes to get to their model. I’ve written about the evolution of Coursera’s business model and the experiments they undertook along the way.

Generally speaking, here’s how how things work on Coursera: courses are free to take, but you need to upgrade to get access to graded assignments and earn a certificate. Upgrades are priced as follows:

  • Single courses: you pay a fixed price and you get full access for six months.
  • Specialization: you pay a subscription fee that starts at $39 per month.

Last year, Coursera officially launched Coursera Plus, a $399 annual catalog subscription that includes 90% of the provider’s catalog. More recently, Class Central reported that Coursera was testing a $59 monthly catalog subscription.

Catalog subscriptions were first offered to enterprises via Coursera for Business. Coursera claims to have 2,300 enterprise customers.

Their pandemic response also helped them make inroads into two business lines: Coursera for Campus and Coursera for Government, which offer similar services to universities and governments worldwide, respectively.

In addition, Coursera has 26 online degrees that cost $10K to $45K. Illinois’ iMBA and the University of London’s Bachelor of Computer Science each have over 1,000 students enrolled.

According to The New York Times, before the pandemic, Coursera projected its revenue to grow 30% in 2020 to over $200 million. The pandemic pushed the provider well past that number. According to Coursera, they have $300 million in cash balance — that is, of money on hand.

Quality of Instructors

Deciding which of the three platforms has the best instructors is not entirely a black or white decision. There are a lot of gray areas in between. We’ll help you make sense of it.

Instructors on Coursera are some of the best educators you’ll find in the industry. You’ll find instructors who are Harvard, Princeton, Oxford, or MIT professors. You’ll also find instructors who are industry experts from companies like IBM, Google, and Meta. They are experienced in the teaching business, delivering traditional classroom lectures with a few remote learning modifications.

On Udemy, you won’t find a lot of Coursera’s kind of Ivy League educators. Instead, a large chunk of Udemy instructors are entrepreneur course creators. They are mostly people who are highly skilled in certain fields and are willing to share their expertise. Don’t be mistaken, this does not in any way infer that they are inferior. Their delivery is typically top-notch and very engaging, something the big names sometimes fail to get right.

LinkedIn Learning instructors, on the other hand, are like a middle ground between Udemy and Coursera instructors. In some courses, you get tutored by senior lecturers from universities, and in others, you get tutored by successful real-world professionals actively practicing in their fields. It’s a close race between the three. If you are not familiar with the LinkedIn e-learning service, here’s a good LinkedIn Learning explainer to get you started.

Winner: you’ll get the most educationally qualified instructors from Coursera, followed by LinkedIn Learning and then Udemy. However, qualification does not necessarily define quality in all circumstances.

Плюсы и минусы: Coursera против Udemy

Плюсы Удеми:

  • Udemy предлагает широкий выбор курсов
  • Предлагаемые курсы являются средними и продвинутыми.
  • Некоторые курсы предоставляются бесплатно.
  • Udemy дает пожизненный доступ к материалам курса, за который вы платите
  • Курсы предлагаются примерно на 80 или более языках.
  • Udemy предлагает регулярные скидки на курсы
  • Лучшие блюда высшего качества
  • Курсы здесь — соотношение цены и качества
  • Основные навыки / интересы можно узнать здесь
  • Срок окончания курса не ограничен

Минусы Удеми:

  • Инструктором может стать каждый; следовательно, качество курсов сомнительно
  • Некоторые курсы очень дорогие
  • Трудно выбрать одновременно несколько курсов
  • Сертификат об окончании не получен из университетов / колледжей и, следовательно, не улучшает ваше резюме.

Плюсы Курсера

  • Платформа предлагает множество курсов
  • Курсы предлагаются в сотрудничестве с известными и уважаемыми университетами/колледжами.
  • Это очень похоже на академические онлайн-курсы с программой, доступом к инструкторам и крайним сроком.
  • Сертификат является действительным и содержит названия университетов, что позволяет легко добавить его в свое резюме.
  • Некоторые курсы предлагают подтвержденный сертификат за определенную плату.
  • Курсы предлагаются на разных языках
  • Курсы можно пройти бесплатно

Минусы Курсера

  • Курсы могут быть недоступны постоянно.
  • Полные курсы нельзя пройти бесплатно.
  • Возможно, это не подойдет тем, у кого мало времени

Udemy vs Coursera: Pros & Cons

Here are the pros & cons of using Udemy and Coursera.

Udemy Pros

  • Udemy has a very large course library where you can find courses in various categories, and some of the courses are also free.
  • When you upload the videos for your course, they get reviewed by Udemy experts only after that it goes live for the general public.
  • There is no limit to buying courses on Udemy, you can buy as many as you want, and you will get lifetime access to those courses as well.
  • Udemy also runs sales and promotions almost every month, so you can buy the courses you want at a very affordable price.
  • You can access the courses you bought on Udemy from any device you want and learn from anywhere in the world.

Udemy Cons

  • Even after the deals and promotions, there are certain courses that may be expensive compared to the quality of the course.
  • The certificates you get from Udemy don’t add any value to your resume.

Coursera Pros

  • Most of the courses available on Coursera are offered by accredited institutions, universities, and companies.
  • You can audit as many courses as you want on Coursera for free. Auditing the course doesn’t give you a course completion certificate.
  • You can choose from single courses, specializations, degree programs, and master track programs on Coursera.
  • The quality of the courses available on Coursera is top-notch because they are created by prestigious universities and companies.
  • Coursera focuses on helping learners learn professional job-ready skills, and after they finish a course, they will also get a course completion certificate.

Coursera Cons

  • If you’re auditing the course, you will get access to the course for a very limited time, and you will need to finish it within that time frame.
  • After completing the course, it does not show you the materials you submit, like assignments, assessments, and projects to complete this course.

A Quick Look at Udemy

Udemy currently hosts 45,000 courses, while Coursera has around courses that are free to audit.

Udemy is an online learning platform that offers a vast collection of courses on a wide range of topics. Founded in 2010, Udemy has become a popular destination for individuals looking to enhance their skills, acquire new knowledge, or explore their interests.

Unlike traditional educational institutions, Udemy operates as a marketplace where instructors from around the world can create and publish their own courses. This means that anyone with expertise in a particular subject can become an instructor on Udemy, resulting in a diverse and extensive course catalog.

The platform features a rating and review system, which helps learners gauge the quality of a course based on feedback from other students. This can assist in selecting courses taught by well-regarded instructors and ensuring a satisfactory learning experience.

Pricing on Udemy is course-based, with individual courses available for purchase. The platform frequently offers discounts and promotions, making courses more affordable. However, it’s important to note that pricing varies depending on the instructor and the specific course.

Udemy encourages community engagement through its Q&A sections, discussion boards, and direct messaging with instructors. This allows learners to interact with instructors and fellow students, seek clarifications, and share knowledge.

Final Note on Udemy Versus Coursera

If you’re looking for a more cost-effective way to acquire new skills on your own time, check out Udemy.Udemy may be a better option for someone who prefers a more casual learning environment.

If you want to take some important courses from well-known academic institutions, Coursera is a good option. Better still, If your desire is to acquire a certificate from an approved university, Coursera is the place to go.

Which one would you choose? If you’re looking for an easy way to learn new skills on your own time without even leaving home then Udemy will be best for you. If you want the best of the best with no option for failure then Coursera would be your better bet. Regardless of which one you pick, it’s never too late to learn something new!


Udemy vs Coursera: Product

In terms of features, Coursera pulls ahead in one particular area: grading and assignments. But they need to, since they position themselves as a more academic platform. For instance, in the context of online degrees, more advanced quizzes are required.

Coursera assignments include peer feedback, autograders, and Jupyter Notebooks integration, in addition to simpler assignments such as multiple-choice questions.

Coursera’s Guided Projects, a product of their acquisition of Rhyme in 2019, feature a side-by-side virtual desktop and video lessons, supposed to make it easier to follow along.

By contrast, Udemy has simpler assignments and less variety. They’ve offered for some time the ability to create autograded coding exercises. But these are seldom used. Of Udemy’s 157,000 courses, only 600 have this sort of coding exercises.

One significant difference between both providers is how they handle interaction between instructors and students, and among students themselves.

Coursera directs learners to forums, with uneven levels of instructor and student activity. By contrast, Udemy has individual Q&As underneath each course section, increasing visibility of the feature and encouraging targeted interactions around the course content.

Coursera Vs Udemy: The Structure

Coursera Udemy
Coursera is an online learning platform suiting the needs of professionals or amateurs who want to boost their skills in order to gain professional expertise. Udemy is an online educational platform that helps in gaining work-related expertise in innumerable categories.
The courses offered by Coursera belong to the Massive Open Online Courses range which is introduced by top-notch universities across the globe. Udemy offers courses on demand; which suggests that you can go on selecting your favorite courses which may or may not be introduced by universities as most of the courses on the platform are offered by professional experts.
Coursera introduces individual courses, subject-related specializations, and core professional degrees. Udemy offers genuine courses which have individual nature. Degrees are not offered over here.
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