Аналоги jira: топ-15 лучших программ для управления проектами

Лучшие альтернативы jira для управления проектами

Exporting and converting data.

To move from Redmine to Jira all the current work needs to be migrated from one system to the other.  The steps involved in the migration are:

  1. Export the data
  2. Convert the data
  3. Import the data
  4. Adjust the presentation in Jira

There are a couple of ways to do this migration, but whichever method is chosen the presentation step should be much the same. 

Pre Jira 8.4

Up to and including Jira 8.3, Atlassian offers import from different third-party tools such as Redmine, Trac or Trello. These tools are bundled with the default installation of Jira. That option essentially takes care of the three first steps in the migration mentioned above.

Is trello and Jira same?

Trello is a simple, customizable kanban board for teams that want to work agile, but aren’t observing the whole liturgy of agile development. JIRA is an project management tool for by-the-book agile teams that are building, fixing, and releasing software.

Who uses redmine?

Redmine is most often used by companies with 10-50 employees and 1M-10M dollars in revenue.

How do I download more than 1000 issues in Jira?

Export more than 1000 issues to Excel

  1. Go to: Administration > System > Advanced Settings.
  2. Find jira.search.views.default.max and jira.search.views.max.limit.
  3. Change the values as desired, and click update.

How do I import a linked issue in Jira?

It can be imported by menu Issues> Import issues from CSV. As mentioned previously, specify an issue id for each row in the csv file. Issue id is used to determine the link for CSV import and is not related to existing issues.

Работа с требованиями

В Microsoft прекрасно понимают, что качество продукта в первую очередь определяется качеством требований. Однако, процесс разработки и управления требованиями в TFS практически не автоматизирован. Аналитикам и проектировщикам предлагается обычный трекер и минимум выразительных возможностей. В центре идеологии работы с требованиями — моделирование требований, то есть использование дополнительного толстого клиента (Visual Studio Enterprise), который позволяет рисовать и версионировать UML-модели.

Что же не так в TFS в части управления требованиями?

  • Нет представления требований в виде документов/спецификаций. Есть база данных требований, но получить целостное описание компонента, подсистемы или всей системы в виде одного документа/представления у вас не получится. Придется использовать дополнительные продукты, типа TeamSpec ($400 за лицензию).
  • Пользовательские требования или изменения в продукте приводят к появлению новых требований, а не к изменению существующих. Это классическая проблема ведения требований в трекерах. Проблема заключается в том, что после нескольких месяцев таких изменений, актуальные требования к приложению будут размазаны по множеству WorkItems. Их не выгрузить, не осознать, не прочитав все и не взаимоисключив конфликты в своей памяти.
  • Вы не сможете запланировать частичную реализацию требования, вам придется разбить исходное требование на части.
  • Все связи между проектными артефактами необходимо добавлять, обновлять и отслеживать вручную. Это приводит к дополнительному расходу времени и человеческим ошибкам. В Devprom все связи создаются естественным образом при создании артефактов, например, при создании доработки или тестового сценария на основе требования.
  • Нет никаких матриц трассируемости, только ручной и трудоемкий контроль целостности. Это почти то же самое, что документировать требования и их связи в Excel.
  • Вам обеспечена трудоемкая поддержка артефактов в актуальном состоянии после изменений в требованиях. Например, тестировщикам вручную нужно искать требования, затронутые изменениями и дорабатывать тесты. В отличие от этого Devprom сам следит за актуальностью связей и предоставляет механизм быстрого анализа и учета изменений.
  • Нет версионирования и бейзлайнов документов требований/спецификаций, нет анализа изменений в текстах и документах требований. Таким образом, вы не сможете узнать, что изменилось в требованиях между несколькими итерациями, релизами или версиями продукта.
  • Нет шаблонов требований и документов требований, то есть каждый аналитик будет писать требования как умеет, а то и каждый раз изобретать новую структуру для требования.
  • В отличие от Devprom, где UML-модель может добавить или исправить каждый член команды, даже добавить ее в комментарии, без установки какого-либо дополнительного ПО, для моделирования в TFS вам потребуется Visual Studio Enterprise.
  • Нельзя вставить макет UI (изображение), формулу или код-снипет непосредственно в текст требования. Все рекомендации на этот счет заканчиваются тем, чтобы вставить это в MSWord-документ, который затем прикрепить к WorkItem.

Features of Redmine

User-Friendly Interface

A user-friendly interface helps your business process work smoothly as users have a better understanding of the platform. Redmine affects productivity and efficiency, as this program is easy to use.

Third-Party Integration

Redmine includes basic tools and activities already built-in. However, you can integrate various third-party plugins and increase efficiency and productivity. For instance, your employees can create invoices and estimations and send your clients in a few clicks. All the information will automatically appear on the template.

Flexible Cloud Hosting

Cloud database systems are highly efficient and cost-effective. Users in multiple locations can access your database and perform activities through Redmine. Furthermore, the cloud offers maximum security and disaster recovery options. Using Redmine’s cloud feature, you can log in to the interface through any browser and device.

Multiple Project Management

Redmine is a multi-project management tool. This means that you can create, manage, and modify multiple projects at a time and assign them to your users. Furthermore, you can keep track of all the projects at once.

Flexible Issue Tracking

With an issue tracking system such as Redmine, you can track bugs and solve issues. Furthermore, you can assign those issues to your employees to solve the problems within time. This software reduces cost while increasing the productivity of your tasks and activities.

Stop Mining for Redmine Alternatives

Redmine project management has its share of pros and challenges like most software.

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It Can Make You Dependant

The longer you use the Jira platform the more get inclined towards it, involving the third-party dynamics of Jira into the workflow often makes people dependent. This chains you towards facing the probable inconsistencies of the services and performance of Jira.

On the contrary, Redmine is an open-source tool, which allows you to be versatile and flexible with your business planning and processes. You have unlimited access to change the code of the Redmine interface. Furthermore, you can also avoid the unnecessary and pricy updates of the service providers if they do not benefit you.

Lastly, Redmine allows a product manager and developers to be their boss because of the customizable coding option. Unlike Jira, it does not bind you towards the adversely impactful inconsistencies of the vendor. Therefore, switching to Redmine provides you with a more autonomous project-management experience along with better prices on additional features and updates.

Что такое Jira?

Jira – это программный инструмент для управления проектами, разработанный компанией Atlassian. Jira часто используется в IT-компаниях для формирования списка задач, отслеживания общего прогресса команды и решения возникающих по ходу разработки продукта проблем. 

Приложение Atlassian построено по принципам канбан- и скрам-досок, давней практики организации задач. Но эти принципы дополняются массой вспомогательных механизмов, которые добавлялись в приложение исключительно с целью упростить создание новых приложений, добавить в них функции, исправить ошибки и т.п. Также эта система управления проектами исповедует Agile-методику разработки. 

Что такое канбан/скрам-доска? 

Канбан – это методика планирования задач, разработанная в сороковых годах. Суть канбан-доски заключается в наглядном расположении задач в соответствии с их статусом. Типичная доска делится на 3 колонки:

  1. Задачи, которые необходимо выполнить (обычный to-do-лист).

  2. Задачи, которые в текущий момент находятся в работе. 

  3. Задачи, которые уже выполнены и висят на доске исключительно для отслеживания прогресса.

Но доску можно дополнить и своими колонками. Например, в отдельный блок вынести реализованные функции, проходящие стадию проверки. Сценариев масса: можно приспособить канбан под что угодно, вплоть до семейного списка покупок на холодильнике. 

Скрам-доска – это канбан-доска для разработчиков, исповедующих Agile. Ее обычно дополняют колонками с заданиями на проверке и с отложенными делами. 

Что такое Agile-разработка?

Agile – это методика организации рабочего процесса, подразумевающая деление больших целей на мелкие, легко «перевариваемые» задачи и выполняющиеся в период спринтов (то есть недельных забегов активной работы). 

Спринт создается на основе заранее сформированных целей. Цели же формируются исходя из пожеланий пользователей продукта. Лидер команды разработчиков организует спринт, добавляя туда те задачи, которые находятся у компании в приоритете и должны быть решены раньше остальных. Скрам-доски и продукты в духе Jira помогают организовывать спринты, следить за прогрессом команды и анализировать проведенную работу.

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Redmine is a flexible and free open-source web application written on the Ruby on Rails framework. It is available across platforms and databases and its user interface is translated into around 50 languages. Redmine can be flexibly provided and hosted, for example, on one’s own web server or externally as software-as-a-service.

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Open Source, Community, but no Professional Support

It is easy to see that Redmine was created primarily for software development processes. For example, the installation of the tool requires experienced developers who are familiar with Debian, MySQL and Apache. Redmine also has a very simple and text-based structure, which is more or less appealing depending on the industry. The main features of the tool include an issue tracking system, a wiki and discussion forum, access to version management systems and repositories, but also multi-client capability and authorization systems. Redmine can be used, for example, for user and project management, for discussion forums, for ticket management, but also for document storage.

Since the software is open source and has a large community and user base, there are also many plugins and extensions available to add important features to Redmine. Themes can also be used to adapt the appearance to one’s own needs and preferences. This point in particular is one of the software’s greatest strengths: Redmine offers the user a lot of freedom and can also be used to administer project management outside of software development — provided one is capable of doing so oneself and has knowledge of the Ruby on Rails framework. If not, a professional must be hired to install, customize and administer the tool. Here, too, problems can arise. Nevertheless, even agile project management can be supported through the use of plug-ins and add-ons.

While professional software manufacturers offer customer support, with Redmine you have to rely on the help of the community, which helps you free of charge, but not in a binding and reliable way. In the worst case, a problem can last several days until a solution can be found. The tool also has weaknesses in terms of documentation. For example, the “Five-Step Getting Started” guide is incomplete and only mentions “TBD” (“to be defined”) for steps three to five. In addition, there are no mobile apps or widgets for automatic time recording.

Conclusion Redmine

Redmine shows its strengths above all when it is adapted to one’s own needs and processes. The prerequisite for this, however, is existing knowledge in the team, otherwise this must be acquired externally. In return the tool is free of charge. Especially in software development, Redmine can be a great added value for project management if it is used for issue tracking, bugs and the coordination of several projects. This does not exclude other sectors, but requires further adjustments, which can be made thanks to open source. However, Redmine cannot score in terms of interface and support, which can weigh heavily depending on where it is used.

Для чего используют Jira?

Как я уже сказал ранее, разного рода канбан-инструменты можно адаптировать под любые виды планирования и менеджмента – под персональные и командные. Но с Jira все складывается немного иначе.

Эту программу создавали для программистов. «Затачивали» каждый аспект под нужды разработчиков. Поэтому работает и выглядит она иначе. Не слишком универсально. В связи с этим вырос ряд конкретных сценариев, в которых применяется JIRA:

  • Наглядная организация списка задач.

  • Управление проектом и командой, занимающейся его развитием. 

  • Разработка ПО с нуля или добавление новых функций.

  • Управление задачами, связанными с маркетинговой составляющей продукта.

  • Отслеживание ошибок в программе и их своевременное исправление. 

Easy Redmine

Easy Redmine is an open source upgrade for Redmine and extends it with many important plugins and features for classic and agile project management. These include Gantt charts for visualizing project tasks, a fast project planner for ad-hoc projects, time tracking for manual and automatic time recording, but also various dashboards for displaying certain key figures. Agile tools such as Scrum and Kanban boards are also available, as well as a help desk for managing customer tickets.

Project, finance and resource management in one place

Easy Redmine can be used flexibly as a project management tool in software development. It also offers financial and resource management functions through modules, which can be used to coordinate personnel planning, travel expenses, attendances and project budgets. The B2B CRM tool helps with lead, account and partner management and is therefore also interesting for sales managers.

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Easy Redmine is used by more than 3500 companies and over 300,000 users worldwide. The tool can be run both in the cloud and on-premises, i.e. on the company’s own server. There are also four price models for the cloud version of Easy Redmine, starting at 5.90€ (Essentials) per user per month. Users receive the full functionalities in the platform version for 23.90€ per month. An enterprise version with additional services and a server license are available on request.
Easy Redmine is basically compatible with every Redmine version, which is why an upgrade is possible without any problems. It also offers various integrations and migration options from Microsoft Project and Excel, Jira or Asana.

As with other project management tools, inexperienced users must first find their way around, which requires a certain training period. Accordingly, training on the tool is recommended in order to use the full potential of the software. In addition, the graphical interface is very different from the Redmine interface. Those who have worked with Redmine for a long time will also have to adjust here.

Conclusion Easy Redmine

Easy Redmine is a practical upgrade to Redmine. It not only provides users with some important project management features, but also a modern interface that increases usability and user experience compared to Redmine. With its numerous functions, Easy Redmine combines agile project management, but also sales processes, finance and resource management in one tool. However, due to the abundance of possibilities, inexperienced users will initially need time to familiarize themselves and possibly also training.

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Для небольшой команды

Для небольшой команды Atlassian предлагает существенную скидку, однако, сюрпризы ожидают вас потом, когда вы захотите подключить больше пользователей. Мы не предлагаем скидок и «не подсаживаем» наших пользователей, наш продукт построен на принципах открытого кода.

Функциональность Наличие в Devprom Стоимость Наличие в JIRA Software Стоимость* (10 пользователей)
Трекинг задач, ошибок, доработок Да Да $10
Управление проектами по Scrum и Kanban Исчерпывающие возможности Базовые возможности
Ведение документации, базы знаний, требований Да Необходим дополнительный продукт — Confluence $10
Итого $20

* использованы официальные цены вендора по состоянию на 2017 год для варианта развертывания продукта на сервере пользователя.


This is an open-source project management software. Unlike Jira, it does not have any centralized support system that can solve problems quickly. It does not entirely support scrum and prefers the workability of the Kanban system. Furthermore, it provides users with a much simpler layout, which involves bugs, stories, and subtexts without any epics.

Another thing that differentiates Redmine from Jira is a more detailed time tracking module. Using Redmine enables you a much better experience when it comes to handling and organizing. It does so by providing a more comprehensive activity field option along with the usual time spent and comments fields.

It is always best to consider a cloud-based Redmine version so that you don’t have to face troubles with maintenance. The simplified configuration of Redmine can save you precious amounts of time compared to the cloud-based Jira. Moreover, another reason resides in its safe and secure platform.

The service providers of the Redmine cloud promise a much more secure project-management experience. For instance, the Redmine global cloud is a much more refined version of the earlier open-source Redmine, as it has newer and better plugins and an amazing customer success manager determined to provide excellent customer service.

Jira Vs. Redmine Comparison Table

Thus Jira Vs. The Redmine comparison table will ensure you get the product for you and your business.

Software Jira Redmine
What it is Jira is a paid project management tool used mainly by software experts for project management and development. Jira comes in both free and paid versions. The paid version has many advanced features to help big companies with project management. Redmine is one of the market’s few free open-source project management tools. Redmine offers all the services to its customers for free, but you have to put extra effort into customizing it. Once you customize it, Redmine’s project management is a breeze!
Purpose Jira was initially designed to track bugs and issues, but now it is used to manage all sorts of projects by professional software teams. The purpose of Redmine is to help the people in project management and manage their team members.
Audience Jira is a billion-dollar company, and the audience is likewise. Large-scale businesses use it with a team of software experts. Some of the big names are Linkedin, eBay, and NASA. Redmine is mainly for small agencies or individuals looking to manage their work.
Key Features 1. Drag and drop feature.2. Integrations with over 3000+ apps and software for increased work efficiency.3. Kanban and scrum boards. 4. Agile methodology. 5. Agile reporting  1. Time tracking feature. 2. Multiple project management at the same time. 3. Team management features. 4. Calendars and charts to maintain smooth work flow.5. Integrations with numerous software
Advantages Jira has numerous benefits when compared with Redmine: 1. User-friendly interface.2. More integrations than Redmine.3. More advanced features than Redmine like Kanban and scrum board   When compared to Jira, Redmine is not left behind. It has the following advantages over Jira: 1. It is flexible and customizable to use  
Easy to Use Jira is simple to use for software experts. It isn’t very easy for beginners. Redmine is easy to use for all project managers.
Applications It supports all the devices such as IOS, Android, and the web. It also supports all the devices such as IOS, Android, and the web.
Languages Supported It supports the following languages:Chinese,Czech,Danish,Dutch,English,Finnish,French,German,Hungarian,Italian,Japanese,Korean,Norwegian,Polish,Portuguese, Russian,Spanish,Swedish.  Redmine also supports multiple languages, which you can set by updating the default settings.
Free Version Jira is available in a free version, too, but it has the following limitations:1. Limit of only 10 team members.2. You can attach files of up to 10MB.3. Allows file storage only up to 2GB Redmine is free to use.
Paid Plans You can enjoy all the advanced features of Jira with its paid version. It comes in different tiers mentioned below: 1. Standards come at $7.50 per user a month.2. Premium comes at $14.50 per user a month.3. For enterprises, contact their support. Redmine is free to use, but you may have to pay to install plugins or any integrations.
Customer Support Jira has excellent customer service. You can use their customer support during business hours if you have the standard version. Customer support is available 24/7 for the business and enterprise plan. One of the biggest disadvantages of Redmine is that it lacks a live customer support feature. You have to rely on their guide to find your answers.
Customer Rating The customer rating of Jira from different customer rating platforms is 4.16. The overall rating of Redmine from the different customer rating platforms is 3.88.
What Customers Like Here is what the people like about the Jira :1. User-friendly interface.2. Flexible for project management.3. Many advanced features.4. Many integrations. According to different customer reviews, here is what the customers like about the Redmine: 1. It is free to use.2. Easy to use for project management.3. Many plugin options to customize the software.
What Customers Dislike: Here is what the customers dislike about the Jira:1. Complicated to use.2. A bit expensive.3. No 24/7 customer support for the standard package. Here is what people dislike about the Redmine:1. Poor interface.2. No live support.3. Slow to process sometimes
When to Use Jira is most suitable for use if you are a large-scale business with a strong team of software experts. Jira isn’t recommended for individuals with little experience in software. Redmine is the most suitable for project managers looking for an easy and free tool to manage their business.
Alternatives Here are the 5 alternatives for Jira:ClickUpMondayWrikeTrelloAsana. Here are the 5 alternatives  for the Redmine:Open ProjectFocal boardTask CafeTaigaRestya

Which of the following issue tracking systems have you used?

Issue tracking systems provide a ticketing system to record and follow the progress in a project….

  • JIRA. JIRA from Atlassian is a proprietary project management tool with extensive issue tracking capabilities.
  • Backlog.
  • Trac.
  • Redmine.
  • WebIssues.
  • Asana.

What is a defect in Jira?

Defects or Bugs are just another issue type in Atlassian JIRA like stories and tasks. “Defect” issue type is required in development project to capture any anomolies during the SDLC and then to rectify those in order to meet user expectation. Logging defects in JIRA is similar to creating any other issues.

What is the best bug tracker?

Here are some great ways you can make your bug tracking tool multi-task.

  • 3 Intangible Benefits Of Using a Bug Tracking System.
  • #1) Backlog.
  • #2) Katalon TestOps.
  • #3) BugHerd.
  • #4) Bird Eats Bug.
  • #5) Userback.
  • #6) Bugzilla.
  • #7) JIRA.

Is Redmine good for project management?

Give your team the power of an open source project management tool. There are plenty of reasons that Redmine is such a popular option for managing projects. Its open source design means it’s regularly updated, secure, and flexible. It’s also free to download and use.

Which is the best alternative to Jira bug tracker?

Apache Bloodhound, Fossil, The Bug Genie, and many alternatives all have dedicated followings, each with different strengths and weaknesses. In addtion, some of the tools in our project management roundup have issue tracking capabilities. So, which is your preferred tool for tracking and squashing bugs?

Is there a support for Trac in Redmine?

Trac has no built-in support for many of the VCS that Redmine supports out of the box. Otherwise there are probably criteria like different Wiki syntax and so on. I found the installation of both relatively easy and straightforward.

What’s the difference between bug tracking and defect tracking?

Bug tracking tools can be understood as a subsidiary of defect tracking tools. Bug tracking specifically helps you to figure out the discrepancies in your code, whereas defect tracking tool is meant for finding out general issues such as that in design, workflow or even those issues that might crop up once the code has been made live.

What do you need to know about Trac project management?

In Trac there is only one such file you need to look at: trac.ini. Configuration is broken: E.g consider creating custom routes in Redmine, that show the start wiki page and not the project overview as first page. You will be recommended to edit Redmine’s sources!

Why You Should Transition from Jira to Redmine

Many people opt for Redmine instead of Jira exclusively to save the overall cost of the business. Redmine has the potential to provide developers in a business with the same effectiveness and quality at a substantially lower monthly price. Therefore, many product owners prefer using the Redmine for its incredible cost-effectiveness.

Although the open-source Redmine or the paid cloud-based Redmine is less costly, it may still cost you in the long run. When you consider the scale of how much the material and labor will cost, it could make you re-consider in terms of affordability. The installation and maintenance of the Redmine are quite costly.

Not to mention, the additional charges of the invoice along with infrastructure cost can prove to be hefty as well. However, transitioning to Redmine can prove to be worth the money because it covers all the discrepancies of the Jira platform. Below, we will discuss why Jira can become incompatible for some developer teams.

Borland Caliber RM

Важный компонент семейства продуктов компании MicroFocus, предназначенный для крупных компаний, управляющих большим количеством требований. Интегрируется с приложением для вызгрузки в MS Word по заданному шаблону. Интегрируется с приложением для симуляции пользовательского взаимодействия с проектируемым продуктом.

  • Отсутствует встроенная база знаний и ведение обсуждений (форумов)
  • В Devprom работа с требованиями организована через Web-браузер, не нужно устанавливать тяжелых клиентов, чтобы получить доступ к требованиям. Devprom ALM вы можете установить на свой сервер или использовать как SaaS.
  • В Devprom более простая и легковесная работа с требованиями, как в режиме базы данных (реестр требований), так и в режиме документа. В Devprom уже встроен трекер дефектов и задач с поддержкой процессов Waterfall, Kanban, Scrumban и Scrum
  • В Devprom просмотр, обсуждение и согласование документов, спецификаций, осуществляется непосредственно в браузере, без необходимости выгрузки в MS Word.
  • У Devprom существенно более выгодная стоимость в рублях (примерно в 20 раз).
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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: