Сравнение trello и asana: система управление задачами и проектами

Trello vs asana: which is a better project management tool


Trusted by companies like Google and Kickstarter, Trello is an online collaboration tool that creates an interactive visual workflow by organizing projects into boards. From large projects to something as simple as your next getaway, Trello has made it easy to get organized and stay organized.

With Trello, task management is simplified, meaning you can quickly and efficiently create, track, and manage projects. Getting started is as simple as creating a board, assigning it a name, and invite collaborators. 

From there you can add lists to establish a customized workflow and create cards for tasks or assignments (or any information you’d like to organize), as well as assign tasks. By simply clicking on the card you can add details, due dates, checklists, comments, and more. 

On to the next stage of a project? No problem. Just drag cards from list to list to indicate progress.

One of the most useful features Trello offers is Butler, its built-in workflow automation tool. With Butler, you can automate things like rule-based triggers, custom card and board buttons, calendar commands, due date commands, and more. 

Trello also features Power-Ups, which are applications you can use to enhance your workflow. And with many common applications like Dropbox, Slack, and Google Drive, you won’t have to adapt to something new to meet your needs. On top of their Power-Ups, Trello also offers other integrations like browser extensions and add-ons.

If you’re not sure where to start with Trello, no worries. Trello offers a template library with tried-and-true templates from the Trello community, as well as a list dedicated to team playbooks that are designed with the boards and tools you need to quickly get your team up and running with Trello. 

Asana vs. Trello: Integrations

Often, your team’s project management tool is the hub of everything they’re doing. That means that, as long as work stays within the team, you don’t have to worry about anything going on in another tool. But often, your work will rely on other teams and their specialized tools. That’s why it’s important to make sure your project management tool (Trello or Asana in this case) of choice can integrate with the rest of the organization’s tool stack.


Trello’s Power-Up marketplace has just under 200 integrations, which cover most of the specialized tools organizations use. You also get access to automation solutions that will let you connect your Trello boards with even more tools.

Indy: A freelancer’s alternative to Asana and Trello

Indy has been designed from the ground up for freelancers to manage their work. Its user-friendly interface, efficient task management, and built-in time tracking make it possible for users to manage projects from proposal to payment.

Notable characteristics of Indy include:

Controlling contracts and invoices

Features for handling proposals and contracts are available on Indy. Start with ready-made templates that make it easy to create legally-vetted contracts. You can also customize templates by adding your branding, including logos, colors, and different fonts. The ability to electronically sign documents makes it easy to keep tabs on who signed what.

Freelancers’ all-in-one project management software

To guarantee the smooth running of your projects, you can use Indy’s built-in project management module in conjunction with its other capabilities. The lightweight CRM system supports chats with clients, task management, file storage, and automatic time tracking.

Forms and invoices for finishing projects

Using Indy’s invoicing system, you can generate a template, fill in your details, and send it off in minutes. Accept multiple payment methods, including PayPal, Stripe, Zelle, wire transfer, and more. When you’re done, you can start collecting success stories by using Indy’s Forms tool to send surveys to your happy clients.

Indy’s Free plan gives you free unlimited access to all the basic tools you need to manage your business. For unlimited access to advanced features and 1 TB of file storage, Indy Pro costs just $9/month when billed annually and $12/month when billed monthly.

Which should you choose?

Which project management tool is the best option depends entirely on your individual needs.

Both tools offer a ton of features and perks that can streamline your projects with custom workflows, but each has its advantages and disadvantages.

Trello is extremely user-friendly and quick to learn, but can also be quickly outgrown with big projects and large teams. Asana makes seeing the big picture on projects easy, but maybe too detailed or in-depth for smaller projects. 

Not sure which project management tool is best for you?

You’re in luck, both are completely free to get started, so sign up for both, try them out, and see which one best fits your needs.

And if you need a little more guidance on the matter, don’t forget, we’re always here to help.

Asana: Teamwork For The Modern Ages

I’ll explain Asana’s background to you first.

Asana is one of the most popular task management apps available today. This simple tool was first created by former execs Dustin Moskovitz and Justin Rosenstein in 2008 to manage the company’s internal coordination. It was then publicly released in 2011 and has become increasingly more popular.

At a glance…

Tasks. Tasks are things you need to remember or things that you want to have completed. Asana’s simple UI lets you organize Tasks into three groups: Today, Upcoming and Later.

Sections. Used to group single tasks into a project. Getting creative, you can divide tasks up in various ways. Some of the most popular are bug tracking and status reports. But you could easily divide tasks up by project, purpose or theme. The more divided tasks are, the better it is for larger teams looking to get an overview of their tasks.

Templates. Asana allows you to use existing templates or you can create brand new ones more fitted to your needs. You can create templates such as checklists or questionnaires to avoid that “talking to your colleagues about stuff” step in the process. You want to know what’s the status on Mary’s project? Just send her a questionnaire with exact questions and never hear about her cat ever again.

The features of Asana are geared towards ease of use. When I returned to it for the first time recently, I didn’t feel overwhelmed by the UI — I honestly felt like I knew my way around the app within 5-10 minutes.

The good and the bad

Being picky by nature, I would say the minimalistic UI makes it tricky to work with. But on the plus side there are a whole load of pros, too. So, I’ll use a good old-fashioned bullet-list of pros and cons and let you decide for yourself.


  • Fantastic list of management features
  • No credit card required for a free trial
  • Color code the most important tasks
  • Freely add more than one tag to each item
  • Android and iOS app
  • A single story/item/task can have links to more than one project and tag
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Add new tasks without having to fill many fields
  • Fantastic email integration (exciting!)
  • Clear system of following your tasks
  • Clever personal tasks view in regards – see all the tasks you are assigned to in one place
  • Free for up to 15 people
  • Premium plan costs $8.33 per member/per month (in case you want that extra fancy workflow feel)


  • Assign a story/task to only one member of your team
  • No integrated personal view – it is always just your tasks within each of your workspaces
  • The interface can sometimes feel loaded with graphical detail, making it slow when moving things around
  • Sub-tasks can be difficult to work with and it can easily lose its connection when moving items around
  • The overwhelming amount of features on display can make for a slow learning process
  • The messages through the app are encrypted but unfortunately there is no two-step verification which makes it less safe for your personal data

Final thoughts

Asana’s benefits would more likely be acknowledged by bigger teams or when working on a more complex project. For example, a website design where you’re going to have more people collaborating on it and pitching their ideas. In situations like these there is a higher chance to get disorganized and cluttered, but Asana can cope with it (better than Trello).

Asana has a bunch of add-ons and integrations you can use, some of them being:

  • Dropbox
  • Google Drive
  • WordPress
  • Usersnap

Through Zapier you can integrate Asana with more than 500 apps. Asana has an open API that you can use if you’re a tech-savvy person.

Throwaway task lists aren’t always enough. Build powerful workflows with Process Street. Sign up free.

Trello: making collaboration easy

Like with Asana, I’ll start by introducing you to the app first.

Trello is a task management app that uses the Kanban system to help you organize projects. Kanban is a system developed by Toyota – designed to help keep production levels high and literally means a billboard or a signboard. And as we know Trello is famously known as a sticky-note filled whiteboard. Each and every sticky note represents different tasks that

Each and every sticky note represents different tasks that are within the project, your daily task list or ongoing tasks.  When speaking of collaborations, I must admit that so far I have only the best things to say for this app – from 12 different spreadsheets we’ve gone to Process Street templates and 1 Trello board (used to be 5 but that’s a story for another time).

This app exceeded my expectations and works way better than Asana for the tasks we’re trying to accomplish.

At a glance…

Trello is a basic task management app you can to use to collaborate with your team members. There are limited options regarding assigning tasks – you can tag cards, add people to boards and create alerts. However, that does not make the card visibly attached to one single person and will not, for example, send a duplicate to their individual board to make sure they notice it. But then there’s Slack, you can bug everyone there…

Some of Trello’s key features include:

Board. A Board is usually a project under development or an ongoing process such as content creation or promotion.

List. A list is a way to divide a board into different categories. Usually, a list represents a stage of progress. In this case, you can see the stages are work in progress, keyword research, moving to approval (which kind of helps with the assigning as you can just move a task to the relevant list).

Card. Cards are the most basic part of the app – and the most crucial. It represents a particular part of a project like a bug, new feature or a specific blog post. You can attach files, images, comment, add checklists, assign a due date or people to each card.. And of course you get the satisfaction of moving the card further and further through the project until the glorious day you can remove yourself from it indicating a job well done!

Now to the comprehensive list of pros and cons.

The good and the bad


  • No credit card needed for sign-up (and free forever)
  • Simple layout with simple instructions
  • iPhone and Android app
  • Unlimited cards can be made
  • Invite as many people as you want to a board
  • Real-time collaboration
  • Trello backs up your data (good in my case as I used to delete everything I was “done” with)
  • Is really amazing even on the free plan (but comes with the most adorable husky stickers on paid – NOT the best feature that paid plan provides though)


  • Exporting option is not available on free plan
  • Having around 10 columns and over 100 cards could get quite messy
  • If two tasks include two people, can be done at the same time you’re not quite sure where to put the card (there are some cases)
  • Not enough husky stickers

Final thoughts

As you can see I had to force myself with the cons a bit. It might be my biassed opinion, but I find Trello to be extremely useful in my day to day tasks.

It is incredibly effective as a to-do list app with its sticky note feel, it provides the sense of progression and is just as good for personal lists and team projects.

Trello has a premium plan that is priced at $8.33 – the same as Asana.

Like Asana – trello also has tons of great integrations such as:

  • Slack
  • GitHub
  • Google Drive
  • Dropbox

However, in total there are 500+ that you can use through Zapier. You can also use the Trello API to create your own integrations (which is always lots of fun!).

Use a Time Tracker for Maximum Efficiency

Ultimately, choosing a project management tool depends on your personal preferences. What’s great about freemium services is you can try them without paying anything. Another great freemium app that can help you manage your remote team is Traqq. This tool is the single time tracker you’ll need to monitor billable hours and employee productivity. It shows you a report of all the websites and programs that your team uses during work hours. As such, you can ensure that every minute worked is a minute paid.

What’s more, once a user switches Traqq on, it will run whether they are online or offline. So, they can focus on their work without worrying about tracking their time. It’s the perfect productivity tool that can go hand in hand with Trello or Asana.

Asana vs. Trello: Which is best?

So, who wins in the big matchup of Asana vs. Trello? Well, like many things, it depends on your situation. If your organization can benefit from a rigid tool that supports complex project management methodologies — say because you need each project run exactly the same way — then Asana is a strong option.

That said, Trello’s simplicity and ease of use can be great assets for teams that need a project management tool right now. If your number one concern is making sure the tool you pick gets adopted quickly — and has room to grow into something completely customized to your team’s needs — then Trello is a great choice.

How about Jira?

Curious how Trello and Asana stack up against one of the other most popular project management tools out there? Here are our full breakdowns of how Jira stacks up against Asana and Trello.

Don’t want to choose?

When it comes to your tool stack, there’s a way you can have your cake and eat it too. It’s called Unito.

Unito is a no-code workflow management solution with the deepest two-way integrations on the market for some of the most popular tools out there. Tools that include Asana, Trello, Jira, GitHub, Airtable, and more. With Unito’s Asana/Trello integration, you can sync data in both directions across these tools, meaning everyone can work from the tool they love most.

Prefer Asana but you’re stuck working with a team that loves Trello? Or maybe you’re a Trello fan collaborating with external clients that won’t leave Asana? Either way, you can use Unito to send tasks and cards back and forth between tools, meaning no one’s missing an update. Here’s how Unito customers are making this happen:

  • Learn how The Taproom is using Unito to connect Trello and Basecamp to streamline development work.
  • If you’re more into Asana, see how Corpay uses Unito to sync their Asana projects with Airtable.

Асана: универсальность с кривой обучения

Одним из самых больших преимуществ Trello является то, что вы можете запустить его и быть достаточно искусным в использовании очень быстро. Асане требуется немного больше времени, чтобы освоиться, но как только вы это сделаете, это даст вам массу возможностей для управления проектами.

В Трелло против В дебатах об асанах есть одна важная особенность асаны, которая дает ей явное преимущество: Вы можете настроить как традиционные списки задач, так и доски в стиле канбан.

Базовый список задач во многом соответствует вашим ожиданиям и включает функции, которые вы найдете во многих лучших приложениях для управления задачами:

Вы получаете подзадачи, сроки выполнения, описания и комментарии, а также возможность назначать задачи конкретным проектам (которые работают как доски в Trello). В премиальной версии Asana вы также можете пометить зависимости задач, что полезно, когда некоторые задачи зависят от других.

Вид доски Канбан в Асане очень похож на Trello:

Опять же, у вас есть столбцы с картами, которые можно назначать, содержать подзадачи, сроки выполнения и т. Д. Они также могут быть помечены тегами с цветовой кодировкой. Подзадачи, назначенные в карточках, также отображаются в представлении задач пользователя.

Возможность переключаться между этими двумя различными представлениями отлично подходит для большие команды с разными проектами. В MakeUseOf у нас может быть редакторский календарь Kanban, но список задач для поисковой оптимизации или просмотра старых статей.

Как и в Trello, у вас может быть несколько проектов, что отлично подходит для случаев, когда вы хотите, чтобы члены команды не были перегружены.

Асана также обладает хорошими функциями отчетности: вы можете создавать несколько панелей мониторинга, которые отображают состояние различных проектов для вас или членов вашей команды.

Управление вашей командой с Асаной

Функции управления командой Asana похожи на Trello. Вы можете сделать конкретные проекты видимыми для определенных участников, запретить участникам видеть групповые разговоры и настроить определенные разрешения.

Задачи и карточки также могут быть назначены членам команды, что является отличным способом уменьшить беспорядок в электронной почте. А на вкладке «Мои задачи» каждый может легко увидеть, что ему назначено. И, конечно же, оставлять комментарии к задачам делает общение простым и доступным.

Включение асаны с интеграциями

Асана интегрируется со многими из тех же сервисов, что и Trello. Вы можете прикреплять файлы прямо из облачного хранилища, задач электронной почты и карточек, отслеживать свое время и многое другое.

Вы даже можете интегрировать Asana со многими конкурентами, включая JIRA и Pivotal Tracker. Многие приложения для обслуживания клиентов также работают с Asana, что позволяет легко создавать задачи, когда клиент или клиент делает запрос.

Существует множество интеграций с приложениями, которые традиционно связаны с разработкой, такими как GitHub, TrackDuck, BitBucket и Instabug. Это делает Asana хорошим выбором для организаций, которые уже используют различные инструменты для отслеживания разработки. (Если вы думаете об использовании Trello для проекта разработки, ознакомьтесь с нашими советы для программистов, использующих Trello 11 советов и рабочих процессов Trello для программистовИспользуете ли вы Trello для планирования программных проектов? Приложение для управления задачами может творить чудеса для вашей следующей задачи кодирования. У нас есть несколько советов по Trello. Подробнее .)

Проверять, выписываться Список интеграций Асаны чтобы увидеть, что еще можно сделать с другими приложениями.

Что вы получаете бесплатно с Asana

Бесплатная версия Асаны дает вам неограниченные задания, проекты и разговоры. Тем не менее, вы можете иметь только до 15 человек. Вы также получите доступ к основным инструментальным панелям и поиску.

Получить полную информацию от Страница с ценами Асаны.

Trello vs. Asana: Why Should You Choose Asana?

Trello had its moment in the spotlight in the Trello vs. Asana competition. Now, let’s look into Asana and see what this project management software is all about.

What Is Asana?

Asana is a San Francisco-based software company founded in 2008 by Dustin Moskovitz and Justin Rosenstein. They launched their Asana product in 2012. The two met at Facebook, where Moskovitz was a co-founder and vice president of engineering. Rosenstein created a productivity tool called Tasks while at Facebook. Both left the social platform to form Asana, which was added to Inc. magazine’s Best Workplace list and one of its Best Led companies. Fast Company ranked Asana number 15 on its Most Innovative Companies and Brands That Matter List.

What Is Asana Used For?

Asana is work and project management software that helps establish project timelines and goals. It’s mainly used to track task progress and offers different work views including an inbox, list view, calendar view, board view and more. Here are some use cases in the Asana vs. Trello battle.

  • View task and project progress
  • Plan sprints
  • Integrates with other tools
  • Helps achieve successful launches
  • Reporting

Who Uses Asana?

Asana is used by professionals from marketing and sales personnel for managing campaigns and customer data to IT people to streamline their projects while staying on top of development milestones and due dates. Human resources departments use it for tracking recruitment, employee performance reviews and the onboarding process. In the creative world, it has been used for organizing ideas and content. Recognizable brand names that use the software include Spotify, Sony Music and Zoom.

Asana Key Features

When comparing Assan vs. Trello, the first thing you’ll notice is its great collaborative features. Most project management software is also a collaboration tool, but Asana has video messaging, a feature that distinguishes them from most others. It doesn’t have a Gantt chart, but instead features a timeline and it has some task dependency tools. There’s also a kanban board view, though it has limited functionality and customization. However, only one person can be assigned to a task.

Asana tries to add fun to work with its Hacks tab. You can add dogs and cats to your dashboard, for example, with a keystroke. It’s a cute distraction, but there are also more practical hacks, such as reducing the amount of notifications you get to avoid a clutter of alerts. Speaking of tasks, you can create recurring tasks to streamline your work. There’s also an advanced search, a filterable task list and status updates to keep you on top of deadlines.

Trello vs. Asana: How Is Asana Better Than Trello?

If you’re price-conscious, then Asana vs. Trello is a no-brainer. Asana has a free plan that supports unlimited projects, whereas Trello only allows you to have 15 shared boards. Asana also has better reporting features than Trello. Asana has more project views, such as boards, but also list, timeline and calendar views. It’s just a more powerful tool than Trello, with customer fields and dependencies, which will please those who use it to manage projects.

Trello vs. Asana: How Is Asana Worse Than Trello?

If you’re looking to get started fast, then Trello is going to be your pick. Trello is faster to get started with. In fact, your initial setup can take only minutes. Trello is also easier to use because it has fewer features and options. Plus, it has more integrations than Asana. You can also add multiple assignees to a task, which you can’t do with Asana, and its free plan is more generous.

Asana is more generous with its views, but Trello offers more customization with Power-Ups

Trello’s primary UI is a no-nonsense, drag-and-drop Kanban board. Within each board, you can create lists, and within those lists, you can create task cards that can be dragged and dropped between lists as you progress through your project.

While Asana’s Kanban (Board) view isn’t the primary focus of the app (and is therefore less polished than Trello’s), Asana’s free plan comes equipped with more views than Trello’s free plan. Asana’s Calendar view, for example, is available in the free plan, whereas you have to upgrade to Trello Premium or use a Power-Up to access this view in Trello.

Asana also offers a List view that Trello lacks. And I gotta say, checking off tasks and watching them fade as they’re completed is satisfying.

With Asana for Business, you also have access to Portfolios, which come with a handy Workload view for project managers. With this view, you can monitor team bandwidth to ensure proper resource allocation and avoid overworking teams.

That said, while Trello may not appear as customizable as Asana at first glance, Trello’s Power-Ups, which are essentially built-in app modifiers and integrations with other apps, open the door to a lot of customization. In 2021, Trello began granting all plans access to unlimited Power-Ups, arguably making it the more customizable platform (as long as you’re willing to dig into its more «hidden» features).

You can add apps to Asana, but these are just integrations with standard apps for communication, CRM, marketing, etc. Many of Trello’s Power-Ups are designed specifically for Trello. For example, with Card Snooze, you can temporarily «snooze» a Trello card you know you won’t get to until a later date.

Which Is Better – Asana or Trello?

Here’s the summary of the pros and cons of both Asana and Trello:

Asana: Pros and Cons

Best things about Asana

  • Extensive functionality
  • Custom tags
  • Several view options
  • Option to view assigned tasks
  • Templates and filters
  • Lots of integrations

Asana limitations

  • Free plan limited to 15 users
  • No option to add multiple assignees
  • Substantial learning curve
  • Not enough capabilities to be a full-fledged agile tool

Trello: Pros and Cons

Best things about Trello

  • Easy to get started
  • Easy to explain
  • Add as many team members as you need for free
  • Clear visuals
  • Advanced filter options
  • No credit card needed to sign up

Trello limitations

  • No way to import functionality from other apps
  • No data export options on a free plan
  • May be unsuitable for managing big software projects
  • No list view option
  • No commands for initiating quick completion of tasks

Final Thoughts

So, what project management software is the best fit for your company? Both Asana and Trello are good candidates. As we’ve summarized above, Asana may prove to be a better option for non-technical teams while Trello can work well for smaller projects.

However, if you are working on a more complicated project, neither of these tools may be quite right. In this case, you may need to search for other options offering more advanced capabilities. You may even consider using a combination of tools (task management, time tracking and employee monitoring, digital tools for a small business, etc.) to achieve the best results. PMP corporate training will provide you with more insight as to what tools best fit your requirements.

Read More

  • 50 business ideas to get you started
  • Alternatives to Quickbooks Accounting Software
  • Alternatives to Asana for Project Management
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  • How to send payment online to other countries

Трелло против Асана: выбор за вами

В конце концов, и Trello, и Asana — фантастические инструменты. То, что вы используете для своей организации, скорее всего, сводится к деталям: вам нравится формат списка задач и доски объявлений Кананы? Или вы хотите, чтобы все было просто? Вы хотите управлять большой командой без ежемесячной платы? Ваши пользователи быстро учатся или получат пользу от инструмента с более легкой кривой обучения?

Вам нужно будет подумать обо всех этих вопросах при выборе Trello или Asana. Но есть две вещи, которые должны успокоить ваш разум, если у вас возникли проблемы с принятием этого решения. Во-первых, оба являются отличными приложениями и помогут вам управлять своей командой. Если вы не используете программное обеспечение для управления проектами прямо сейчас, любое приложение будет иметь огромное значение.

А во-вторых, вы можете используйте Trello и Asana вместе. Они интегрируются, поэтому вы можете передавать данные между ними, синхронизировать свои задачи и карты и использовать оба. Или использовать Migrator.xyz перемещать данные от одного к другому, когда вы хотите переключиться. Вы не заперты навсегда.

Теперь, когда вы знаете разницу между Трелло и Асаной, вы готовы принять решение. Выберите один, иди с ним, и начать управлять проектами более эффективно 10 мощных шаблонов управления проектами Excel для отслеживанияБесплатные шаблоны управления проектами являются лучшими. Получите эти ключевые шаблоны таблиц Microsoft Excel для отслеживания любого проекта. Подробнее !


Обе платформы позволяют работать с проектами с помощью настраиваемых полей и шаблонов.

Создать или найти шаблоны Trello довольно просто. Этот сервис содержит обширную библиотеку, которая охватывает практически все возможные варианты использования. Для создания шаблона предусмотрено отдельное меню на боковой панели. Здесь же вы можете добавлять соавторов, делиться шаблонами внутри компании или с сообществом Trello в целом. Среди популярных вариантов шаблонов Trello:

  • шаблон Kanban-доски для отслеживания физического и эмоционального здоровья команды; 
  • доска планирования контента блога; 
  • шаблон выполнения заказа; 
  • доска Lean Canvas для упрощения бизнес-планов; 
  • шаблон удаленного командного центра для управления удаленной совместной работой.

Все шаблоны Trello отформатированы одинаково, так как имеют одинаковую структуру. Разница есть в заголовках для списков и нескольких карточках задач. 

Из минусов — шаблоны скорее создают больше работы, чем экономят время пользователя. Приходится удалять каждую карточку шаблона или заменять всю существующую информацию своей собственной. К тому же, параметрам настройки явно не хватает глубины.

Шаблоны в Asana надежнее и экономят время. Их можно настроить под нужный вам вид  — «Календарь», «Доска», «Список», «Временная шкала» или «Диаграмма Ганта». Кроме того, вы можете объединить шаблон с предлагаемыми рабочими процессами автоматизации и интеграцией приложений. Как и Trello, можно создавать свои собственные шаблоны или превращать готовую доску в шаблон с помощью довольно простых пунктов меню.

Начиная с уровня Premium, пользователи могут получить доступ к библиотеке Asana, который содержит более 50 шаблонов в таких областях, как маркетинг, ИТ и дизайн продуктов. 

About Our Research: How Asana and Trello Scored Against Other Providers

If you’ve been shopping around for software online for a while, you’ll know that it’s not easy to work out which websites you can trust, and who’s actually testing the products they’re reviewing. Here at Tech.co, however, we perform hours of market research and then create assessment frameworks for different software industries with which to road-test all the top providers.

For project management software apps like Asana and Trello, we focused on ease of use, pricing, functionality, customer support, integrations, and security. “Functionality” – which is quite a broad assessment area – was divided into task management, project and workflow creation, data visualization, and collaboration, and these sub-categories were assessed separately.

The Similarities

Asana and Trello are both used in project management, and they’re contending for the best in their class. Here are some similarities between the two.

Free to Use

When you want to try out Asana or Trello, you can do so for free. The free plans are pretty powerful, and you can easily handle your team’s workflow with either. However, where Trello allows unlimited users with the free plan, Asana only supports 15 members unless you upgrade to a paid plan.

File Storage

Both platforms allow users to store files on a cloud server for easy access, and you can upload unlimited files this way. There are individual file size limits depending on your payment plan. For example, the Asana free plan will only let you upload files under 100MB, and Trello’s free plan has a 10MB limit.


Integrations are available for Asana and Trello, allowing teams to incorporate their preferred software into their project management app. These add-ons are designed to help teams use everything in one app. Both apps have around 200 integrations, such as Slack, Outlook, and Microsoft Teams.

Mobile Apps

You can get mobile apps for Asana and Trello on iOS and Android, and these apps are pretty helpful for those on the go. Don’t expect them to replace the PC versions, as they’re mostly stripped down. You can still use them for work, but it’s better to return to your computer for more involved aspects of the job.

Easy to Use

Because some workers may not be familiar with project management software, they may get confused with the apps. Asana and Trello mitigate this issue by making their products user-friendly. Anyone can understand how to use either software with some experimentation.

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