Microsoft осталась без tiktok. китайцы ей отказали в пользу неожиданного конкурента

Tiktok owner bytedance moves forward with ipo plans: ft

TikTok History

TikTok, a video app that enables users to create engaging content with music and filters, has gained immense popularity with over a billion users worldwide. Initially launched in China in 2016 under the name Douyin, the app was rebranded as TikTok in 2017 and has since been a global sensation. While Douyin remains its name in the Chinese market, TikTok has gained massive traction worldwide, particularly during the Coronavirus pandemic when people sought online engagement while staying at home. Which caused an inevitable question “When is TikTok going public?”

Despite its rapid growth, TikTok has not been immune to controversies. In 2019, TikTok was banned in India due to concerns about pornographic content and predatory behavior. The app was again banned in India in 2020 amid tensions between the two countries over tech companies not protecting user data. TikTok’s Chinese owner was also fined $5.7 million by US authorities for violating children’s data privacy laws.

Despite these challenges, TikTok remains one of the most downloaded apps in the world. In early 2021, it had over 689 million active monthly users worldwide, as of April 2023 is has over a billion monthly active users. Its unique features and appeal have made it a global sensation in a relatively short period of time.

Following the IPO success of Tiktok’s competitors such as Snapchat, it was about time to announce TikTok IPO date and price.

So What About Investing Now?

Some investors may see potential benefits in investing in TikTok due to its massive user base and growing popularity, which could translate into strong revenue growth and potential profitability in the future. The platform’s extensive user engagement, particularly among younger demographics, may also make it an attractive advertising platform for businesses looking to reach a wide audience.

The element that makes TikTok stand out is that it’s powered by artificial intelligence. When users engage with content, the app collects their data which is fed into TikTok’s machine learning algorithm. This enables the app to refine the quality of users’ content feed and enhances the content experience, which the company claims, in turn, boosts engagement and generates more data.

Additionally, ByteDance, TikTok’s parent company, is a major player in the global tech industry, with a diverse portfolio of popular apps and services. As a result, some investors may see investing in ByteDance as a way to gain exposure to a range of high-growth tech companies.

In terms of revenue, TikTok’s revenue increased from approximately $20 billion in 2019 to $35 billion in 2020, according to estimates. However, ByteDance as a whole is said to be unprofitable, with a reported net loss of around $2 billion in 2018 and around $1.2 billion in 2019.

It’s also worth noting that ByteDance has faced regulatory challenges and geopolitical tensions in some markets, particularly in the United States and India, which have affected its operations and potential for growth in those regions. Additionally, the competitive landscape in the social media industry is constantly evolving, with TikTok facing stiff competition from established players like Instagram Reels and newer YouTube Shorts.

Особенности приложения

Аудитория TikTok в ноябре 2018 года составила более 800 млн пользователей. Наверное, после Facebook и Instagram, ни одна социальная сеть не показывала подобных цифр. И, конечно, такая заоблачная популярность обусловлена не только активным рекламированием приложения. У TikTok есть характерные особенности, которые привлекают аудиторию:

  • Массовость и стихийность. Нередко контент, который выкладывают пользователи приложения, становится настолько вирусным, что перерастает во флешмоб;
  • Миллионы бесплатных треков. Представлен богатый выбор музыкальных произведений для создания мини-клипов;
  • Акцент на визуальной составляющей. Здесь не надо писать или говорить,популярность ролика зависит от степени креативности и умения оформлять;
  • Монтаж. Приложение максимально упрощает процесс оформления видео: здесь представлены всевозможные фильтры, маски, эффекты, инструменты для
    склейки и редактирования видео.

В остальном TikTok похож на другие социальные сети: он позволяет оставлять комментарии под постами других пользователей, устраивать онлайн-трансляции, ставить оценки, переписываться, а теперь предлагает размещать официальную рекламу для бизнес-аккаунтов.

🚨 Detailed Instructions How to Participate in the TikTok IPO before public trading:

Below we share the instruction how to participate in the approaching TikTok IPO using Freedom Finance (Freedom24 platform).  This marketplace is chosen as an example because TikTok is already listed there.

*** Freedom Finance services are NOT available to US citizens and residents.

  1. Apply for a Freedom Finance account — you need to prepare your identity document and a document confirming the address of residence (utility bill). The verification process is very fast, it will take 2 minutes to create your account.
  2. Deposit your account — to participate in an IPO, your account must have available funds in the amount you send IPO application for.
  3. Tip: It’s recommended to deposit your account in advance. Often the exact IPO date is undefined until the last day. You may have a short notice for participation and account deposits also takes time for processing. Also, sometimes Freedom sends last-minute IPO offer when you have 2 hours to participate.
  4. Submit a request to participate in the IPO — when applications are open select TikTok and click Participate in the IPO > input the amount you want to invest > Send your application. Note: Before the book closing, a request can be withdrawn. At the time of the book closing, 1 day before the start of the exchange trading, the specified amount will be blocked on the account.
  5. Wait for allocation — The actual number of stocks purchased during an IPO depends on supply and demand. The higher underwriter reserves the right to partial execution of collective applications. So if the demand is high you may get less than you applied for. Of course, you will only pay for the shares purchased. The rest of the funds will be returned to your account.
  6. Start of trading — With the beginning of the public trading on the stock exchange, the purchased shares will appear on the account and a will start — a 93-day period of prohibition on sale. You can’t sell stocks, but you can track their current value and growth indicators in your personal member area and a trading terminal.
  7. Closing your trade — At the end of the 93 days lock-up period, you will be able to manage your stocks at your discretion — leave in the portfolio or sell and withdraw money or transfer the stocks to another depository/ broker in your name. This can be done in your account by clicking the ‘Sell’ button next to the name of the security. In this case, a commission of 0.5% of the amount of the sale transaction is charged.

Participate in TikTok IPO

ByteDance IPO: Is It Worth $78 Billion?

ByteDance reached this valuation after a round of private investing in 2018. The effort was led by SoftBank and raised around $3 billion. Now, if a ByteDance IPO does happen, early investors might cash out.

However, it’s unlikely ByteDance is worth that much. According to Nikkei Asian Review, an analyst at China’s Guodu Securities said, “I really doubt it would achieve that valuation in a public offering.”

Investors also point out that TikTok isn’t making much money. Its income relies on advertising.

“They’re spending a huge amount of money promoting it (TikTok),” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said, according to leaked audio by American media. “What we’ve found is that their retention is actually not that strong after they stop advertising.”

ByteDance has been loss-making until a profit in June 2019. But whether the company will continue to see profit or achieve its desired revenue remains a mystery. And after the struggle of Uber and Lyft IPOs in 2019, investors are wary of popular startups with no proof of consistent income.

In addition to questions about the company’s valuation, there’s an even bigger issue for a ByteDance IPO…

Tiktok’s Public Listing Key Data and IPO Date

TikTok IPO Date: TBATicker: N/AExchange: NasdaqIPO stock price: N/AValuation at IPO: $66 billion (estimated)Market cap: N/ACEO: Shou Zi ChewCategory: Social Media

There was no official confirmation when TikTok goes public with an IPO. However, there were rumors in April 2021 that TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, was preparing for an IPO, with TikTok likely to go public in the US and ByteDance’s domestic assets in Hong Kong.

Speculation at that time suggested that the TikTok IPO date might happen in 2023, but several regulatory issues needed to be resolved before that could happen. One of the major challenges was the operational separation of TikTok from its Chinese counterpart Douyin, as the two apps shared the same algorithm and technology.

It’s important to note that at the time of my knowledge cutoff, there was no information available on the TikTok IPO price. Investors had valued TikTok at about $50 billion in July 2020, and its brand value had increased to $66 billion by early 2021. However, these valuations were made in private capital markets and may not necessarily reflect the eventual IPO price.

Given the recent CEO’s testimony is the US Congress, where TikTok was accused of the potential ties to China and the negative impact of its short videos on children’s mental health, the TikTok IPO might be delayed for a long time. So the TikTok IPO date and price remain unknown.

Will ByteDance IPO?

A ByteDance IPO is likely to hit the market. It was reported to be expected as early as the first quarter of this year. But the company came out and said there is no truth to the rumor. It comes as no surprise given the circumstances.

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Talk of a TikTok IPO isn’t wrong. The company does hope to eventually go public. But it also knows that without the interest and support of U.S. investors, a ByteDance IPO has a good chance of failing.

Who owns TikTok?

TikTok is owned by ByteDance, a China-based company with several products such as TikTok, Douyin, Mobile Legends, PICO, Lemon8,, and others.

ByteDance was founded by Zhang Yiming and Liang Rubo in March 2012. The company’s first product was Toutiao, a platform that provides news and informative content, using algorithmic models to tailor the displayed content on a user-by-user basis.

In December 2023, ByteDance was valued at $268 billion following a $5 billion employee buyback program, according to South China Morning Post. However, ByteDance has reached even higher valuations in the past, as it was valued above $400 billion at its peak.

Why a TikTok IPO Now?

Tensions between the United States and China have slowly risen over the last few years. One of the greatest blows to China came when the U.S. placed restrictions on American companies working with Chinese tech firms.

There was a fear of corporate espionage, Chinese companies stealing American intellectual property. Not only that, but there was a concern of what China could do with such deep access to American consumers’ private information.

In the case of TikTok, for example, its parent company, ByteDance, has access to every American TikTok user’s smartphone camera.

Americans are widely comfortable giving this sort of access to social media giants like Facebook, Inc. (NASDAQ: FB) and Twitter Inc. (NYSE: TWTR). But what they do with that access is somewhat veiled in mystery.

Giving the same access to a tech company from rival China is step further into unknown territory, as far as the White House is concerned. There is a fear that it would effectively funnel American consumer information directly to the Chinese government.

That’s what initially prompted U.S. President Donald Trump to place a ban on TikTok if the Chinese ByteDance would remain the majority shareholder.

President Trump has set a deadline of Nov. 12, when TikTok would no longer operate in the United States. New downloads of the app were banned on Sunday, Sept. 20. Since then, there have been negotiations between American firms hoping to acquire the social media app.

The winning attempt to reconcile TikTok’s American business was to partner with Oracle Corp. (NYSE: ORCL) and Walmart Inc. (NYSE: WMT). The companies now have 12.5% and 7.5% stakes, respectively, for a total of 20%. The deal was announced on Saturday, Sept. 19.

Oracle and Walmart had previously announced that the majority of the company would be American-owned, but this did not end up being true.

ByteDance also announced it would not be handing over TikTok’s algorithms or technologies to Oracle. Oracle would instead act as a «code inspector» for TikTok’s U.S. source code, to ensure nothing shady takes place.

TikTok’s headquarters have been in the United States. But to designate it as a separate company from the Beijing-based ByteDance, the TikTok IPO announcement referred to company as «TikTok Global.»

Though the deal does not meet the president’s initial demands, it appears he has given the company the nod.

Now, ByteDance is trying to solidify its position in the U.S. market by doing a full U.S. spin-off of TikTok, taking it to the public markets. This will open the company to more scrutiny as it hopes to ease concern over transparency.

So TikTok is up for being transparent in compliance with U.S. standards… Are you up for investing in TikTok?

How Much is TikTok Worth?

According to a 2021 report by Tiger Global, TikTok’s valuation stands at an impressive $220 billion, making up nearly half of parent company ByteDance’s total valuation of $460 billion. This significant valuation rise from $35 billion in 2018 highlights TikTok’s success in global user engagement and effective monetization methods.

However, these big numbers come with their own set of complexities. ByteDance faces ongoing challenges, such as regulatory scrutiny and the imperative to innovate, which could influence TikTok’s future valuation. The company needs to successfully address these issues to maintain or further elevate its financial standing.

Является ли ByteDance прибыльным?

Как частной компании, может быть трудно точно определить, сколько денег зарабатывают TikTok и его материнская компания. По состоянию на 2020 год, по оценкам, выручка TikTok составила около 1 миллиарда долларов. Но это лишь малая часть общего дохода ByteDance за год, который составил примерно 30 миллиардов долларов.

Текущая прогнозируемая оценка TikTok (50 миллиардов долларов) предполагает, что ее текущий доход в 50 раз превышает его текущий доход. Но, по данным Reuters, руководство компании рассчитывает достичь выручки в размере 6 миллиардов долларов в 2021 году.

Читать еще: Первоначальные предложения монет (ICO): что это такое и как его запустить

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The TikTok IPO Is Coming

Just when investors were all hyped about the Snowflake Inc. (NYSE: SNOW) IPO as the «biggest software IPO of all time,» TikTok comes along with an IPO announcement.

The Snowflake IPO crushed expectations at $120 per share and raised billions as the stock climbed to $229 today, a 90% pop. That company is currently at $63 billion market cap.

It made a good case for IPO investing.

As far as tech IPOs go, a TikTok IPO could make the Snowflake IPO look small. Investors estimate the company is worth $50 billion from its private funding rounds, according to Reuters.

According to Business Insider, TikTok could be «the largest IPO in recent years.»

WARNING: 22 million shares of this stock trade hands every day — make sure you’re nowhere near it. Click here…

It was preceded by an IPO drought amid the COVID-19 pandemic, coinciding with other big tech IPOs like JFrog Ltd. (NASDAQ: FROG) and Palantir. Days for stocks like these were signs the market could potentially be on a true path to correction.

Of course, we now know that wasn’t completely true about the markets. There is much to be uncertain about right now.

Which brings us to the reason TikTok is going public…


Известный сервис коротких видео TikTok появился в Китае в сентябре 2016 года. Спустя два года была выпущена международная версия, число пользователей которой быстро дошло до миллиарда. Да и сейчас TikTok является одной из самых быстрорастущих социальных сетей в мире.

На фоне такого успеха стоимость владельца приложения — пекинской компании ByteDance — достигла рекордных значений. По результатам последнего раунда финансирования, который прошел в конце 2020 года, она оценивается в 140–180 млрд долларов. Таким образом, ее выход на IPO грозится стать самым дорогим публичным размещением в истории.

Динамика финансовых показателей тоже впечатляет. Выручка и валовая прибыль за 2020 год практически удвоились. Выручка прибавила 110 % (достигнув 34,3 млрд долларов), валовая прибыль — 90 % (до 19 млрд долларов). После такого руководство ByteDance всерьез задумалось о том, чтобы выйти на биржу. Причем в ближайшее время, ведь век соцсетей не бесконечен.

Антон Гринштейн, эксперт информационно-аналитического центра компании Hamilton:

— Лучшей возможности для IPO ByteDance, чем 2021 год, может и не быть на достаточно длинном горизонте до 2023 года. А для социальных сетей два года — это очень большой промежуток времени, в течение которого предпочтения пользователей могут сместиться на другую платформу. Пока же именно TikTok является самой быстрорастущей социальной сетью в мире, и этим компании обязательно нужно воспользоваться.

Хороший пример в феврале этого года показал главный конкурент TikTok на китайском рынке — компания Kuaishou Technology. 5 февраля она провела IPO на Гонконгской бирже и привлекла 5,4 млрд долларов. Успех вышел оглушительный — в первый же день торгов стоимость акций компании подскочила на 161 %. И вообще IPO стало крупнейшим с момента выхода на биржу сервиса заказа такси Uber.

Are There Any Issues With TikTok?

All investments involve risk, and pre-IPO investing is particularly risky. If you are considering an investment in TikTok, consider these and other risk factors.

  • There may not be an IPO or an exit point. There is no way of knowing when or if ByteDance will have an IPO. If the company does not go public it could be difficult or impossible to sell shares.
  • TikTok is controversial. TikTok has been temporarily banned in several major markets. Further bans could hava an impact on the company’s results.
  • China/US friction. TikTok and ByteDance could be caught up in trade or political disputes between the US and China that could affect the company.
  • Social media is a fast-changing, trend-driven business. Right now TikTok is the rising star but next year there could be a new one.
  • Internal Chinese issues. Several Chinese tech companies have seen crackdowns from Chinese authorities. ByteDance could be next.

As with any investment, careful balancing or risks and potential rewards is essential.

Company Profile and Financial Indicators before TikTok IPO

TikTok has become a global platform for launching marketing campaigns for many big brands: Samsung, Huyndai, Maybelline New York, Estee Lauder and many others.

TikTok Global’s management is predominantly made up of US directors. The US authorities themselves have identified a national security director, who is responsible for protecting the personal data of all users of the app. Among the investors and part owners of the new company are Oracle and Walmart.

TikTok is the fastest growing social network in the world. The number of users is constantly increasing, which makes the site even more attractive for advertising and marketing campaigns. The site’s direct competitor, Kuaishou Technology, set a good example — its share price soared by 161% on the first day of trading on 5 February 2021.

In 2021 TikTok was the most visited website and most widely used social media platform which even surpassed Google and Facebook according to Cloudflare (technology firm that tracks online activity).

Кто и как использует TikTok

Помимо обычных пользователей, приложение вызывает интерес у знаменитостей. Одни построили свою популярность буквально на просторах TikTok, другие перешли с Instagram или Youtube, уже имея определенную аудиторию.

Например, 17-летний Джейкоб Сарториус из Оклахомы достиг известности именно благодаря караоке-приложению. Позднее он записал свой первый сингл Sweatshirt, который появлялся в топах музыкальных чартов. На данный момент на Джейкоба в TikTok подписаны более 20 млн человек.

А вот Саванне Сутас до создания аккаунта в TikTok вела блог в Instagram. После того, как она начала снимать трогательные музыкальные ролики с участием маленькой дочери Эверли, она смогла выйти на площадку YouTube.

Основной фишкой TikTok среди пользователей являются челленджи. Кажется, они появились на платформе с самого ее создания и стали неотъемлемой частью. Ни в одной социальной сети флешмобы не распространены так, как в TikTok. CopyCat Challenge, До/После, 360 градусов — все они берут начало на музыкальной платформе.

Один из наиболее массовых челленджей 2019 года был запущен в связи с уходом популярной певицы Адель со сцены. Пользователь снял музыкальный ролик, как мишка Haribo, стоя на пьедестале, поет хит певицы Someone Like You, после чего в кадре появляется целая армия поющих мармеладных мишек. Видео собрало более 1 млн лайков и запустило новый популярный челлендж. Сейчас в TikTok хештег #someonelikeyou собрал собрал более 130 млн просмотров.

Is TikTok Going to IPO?

TikTok, the social media giant with a valuation of approximately $220 billion, is reportedly considering an Initial Public Offering (IPO) sometime between 2023 and 2024. While the exact timeline remains nebulous due to the volatile economic landscape, the speculation surrounding this move is high. In the crowded social media space, TikTok is a formidable competitor to established platforms like Instagram and YouTube.

An IPO would provide a significant opportunity for ByteDance, TikTok’s parent company, to further monetize its global influence. This influence is primarily fueled by and the sale of virtual goods within the app. The capital raised from a potential IPO could be strategically invested in advancing the platform’s technological capabilities, broadening its user base, and spearheading innovations that could reshape the social media landscape.

However, the road to an IPO for TikTok isn’t devoid of obstacles. Regulatory challenges and concerns over user privacy could pose significant hurdles. It’s these potential barriers that make the outcome of TikTok’s IPO endeavor a subject of keen interest to investors.

What Is TikTok?

TikTok: Fast Facts
Industry Social networking
Launch Date September 2016 (China)
September 2017 (International)
HQ Beijing, China
Key People Liang Rubo (ByteDance CEO), Shou Zi Chew (TikTok CEO), Vanessa Pappas (TikTok COO)
Employees 10,000+
Parent Company ByteDance
IPO Status Private, Subsidiary

TikTok is a video-sharing social networking service. Its users use it to create short videos, between 15 seconds and 10 minutes.

This mobile app belongs to a company called ByteDance. ByteDance is a privately held Beijing-based company founded in 2012. ByteDance is currently valued at around $220 billion, a 25% drop over the last year.

TikTok is the international version of Douyin, which was launched in 2016 in the Chinese market. In 2017 it was branded TikTok and launched internationally outside China. Even though the apps are similar, they run on separate servers to comply with Chinese censorship restrictions.

An interesting feature of TikTok is that it uses artificial intelligence to analyze users’ interests and preferences and display personalized content to them.

Why Does TikTok Get So Much Attention?

TikTok’s growth was explosive after launching in 2017 outside of China. It became the most downloaded app in the US in October 2018, the first Chinese app to achieve this.

The app is now available in over 155 markets in 75 languages. The app has been downloaded over 3.3 billion times globally. TikTok had 1.6 billion monthly active users in Q4 2022 and is expected . As of Q1 2022, there were over .

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Source: Business of Apps

In 2021, TikTok was the most downloaded app of the year beating Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger. TikTok is currently the 6th most popular social media app in the world and the second most popular video-specific app, behind only YouTube.

TikTok has also seen its share of controversies. The app was briefly banned in Pakistan and India. The Trump administration proposed a US ban for security reasons, though some observers believed that it was a consequence of pranks by TikTok users aimed at Trump, notably a mass purchasing of rally tickets by non-attendees in 2020.

The combination of popularity and controversy draws attention, and TikTok has become a highly recognizable brand for consumers and investors alike.

Что такое ByteDance?

ByteDance была основана в 2021 году Чжаном Имином; компания базируется в Пекине, Китай. После успеха своего новостного приложения Toutiao, что означает «заголовки», Имин продолжил разработку TikTok и его китайского аналога Douyin.

В то время как TikTok — это то, чем ByteDance наиболее известен во всем мире, приложение приносит лишь около 3% дохода материнской компании – остальное приходится на ее внутреннюю деятельность. Однако TikTok означает, что ByteDance преуспел там, где потерпели неудачу многие другие китайские технологические компании: он расширился за пределы Китая.


What is TikTok?

TikTok is a video sharing social networking service. Its users use it to create short videos. The length of these videos ranges between 15 seconds and 10 minutes.

Is there a stock associated with TikTok?

TikTok is a product created by a Chinese company called ByteDance. ByteDance is still privately held, meaning its shares are not available on the stock market yet.

How can I invest in TikTok?

Since it’s not possible to buy TikTok stock from the stock market, there might be other possibilities for investors to invest in ByteDance pre-IPO. Some platforms like EquityZen provide a secondary market for pre-IPO equity. Another possibility is to invest in a private equity fund that in turn invest in companies like ByteDance in venture capital rounds. Both EquityZen and AngelList provide such funds. That said, waiting for ByteDance to become public seems to be the simplest route to invest in TikTok.

Who owns TikTok?

TikTok is owned by ByteDance. ByteDance is a Beijing-based company founded in 2012.

Who is the CEO of TikTok?

Singaporean businessman Shou Zi Chew has been the CEO of TikTok since 2021.

How much is TikTok worth?

TikTok is owned by a Chinese privately held tech company called ByteDance. ByteDance is valued at $220 billion, making it the most valuable venture-backed private company in the world.

Is Bytedance a publicly-traded company?

No, ByteDance is still privately held, meaning its shares are not available on the stock market yet.

Кто еще интересуется TikTok

Китайский видеосервис оказался интересен многим крупным американским (и не только американским) корпорациям. В частности, возможность его приобретения рассматривает японский холдинг SoftBank, 14 сентября 2020 г. продавший американской компании Nvidia британскую ARM за $40 млрд.

Купить TikTok хотят холдинг Alphabet, в который входит ИТ-гигант Google, и сервис микроблогов . Также в конце августа 2020 г., как сообщал CNews, о своей заинтересованности в приобретении бизнеса TikTok в США заявил Walmart – американский ритейлер, владеющий крупнейшей в мире сетью розничных магазинов.

Walmart планировал купить TikTok на пару с Microsoft и даже достиг с ней договоренности о партнерстве. Пока неизвестно, откажется ли Walmart от своих планов после решения ByteDance не продавать TikTok Microsoft.

TikTok для бизнеса

В связи с ростом популярности музыкального приложения, предприниматели решают продвигать через него свои бренды: они сотрудничают с популярными блогерами, запускают собственные челленджи и создают брендированные маски.

В 2019 году TikTok запустил официальную рекламу. На данный момент сервис предлагает четыре формата:

  • Brand Takeover
    Баннер, всплывающий при входе в приложение. Он может быть реализован как изображение, gif или короткое видео. Формат позволяет вести пользователя на сторонний сайт, целевую страницу бренда в TikTok, а также на страницу скачивания в App Store, Google Market.
  • In-feed Native Video
    Реклама, всплывающая в ленте пользователя при просмотре контента. Является аналогом промо-акций в Instagram и реализуется, как правило, в формате 15-секундного видео.
  • Hashtag Challenge
    Является наиболее эффективным форматом рекламы в TikTok. Популярные блогеры запускают челлендж по заранее придуманным заказчиком хештегам и креативу. Пользователи же начинают создавать UGC-контент (“User Generated Content”— контент, создаваемый пользователем), что позволяет добиться огромных охватов.
  • Брендированные маски и стикеры
    Такой формат является наиболее интерактивным, заметным. Именно благодаря фильтрам и маскам Snapchat когда-то привлек аудиторию, только в TikTok их выбор куда больше.

Рассмотрим хештег-челлендж малазийского McDonalds #BigMacTikTok. Бренд совместно с популярными блогерами TikTok из Малайзии запустил танцевальный конкурс с брендированными масками, ценными призами, а также пообещал каждому участнику челленджа бесплатный БикМак, что привлекло большую аудиторию. Хештег #BigMacTikTok добился охвата почти в 10 млн. просмотров.

Два месяца на переговоры

На проведение переговоров сторонам отведено чуть меньше двух месяцев – решение должно быть принято не позднее 12 ноября 2020 г. Как сообщал CNews, Президент США Дональд Трамп (Donald Trump) предоставил Microsoft лишь 45 дней на подобные переговоры – они должны были завершиться до 15 сентября 2020 г. включительно.

Напомним, что Трамп пообещал заблокировать работу сервиса в США в случае, если Microsoft или другая американская компания не сможет договориться с китайской стороной о его покупке. О возможности перехода бизнеса TikTok в США и ряде других стран мира под контроль американцев стало известно после того, как Трамп пригрозил запретить этот сервис в своей стране, опасаясь, что китайская компания, обрабатывающая сотни персональных данных американцев, представляет угрозу национальной безопасности США.

Поскольку отношения между США и Китаем ухудшаются из-за торговой войны, вопроса автономии Гонконга, кибербезопасности и распространения коронавируса, Tiktok стал горячей точкой в споре между двумя крупнейшими экономиками мира. China Daily назвала компанию Bytedance жертвой «охоты на ведьм» со стороны США и заявила, что Вашингтон бездоказательно обвиняет Tiktok в том, что он угрожает нацбезопасности.

IPO TikTok: выходит ли TikTok на биржу?

TikTok станет общедоступным… в конце концов. Его материнская компания ByteDance подтвердила в 2020 году, что TikTok Global, новая американская компания, в какой-то момент проведет IPO. Это будет отдельно от IPO ByteDance, которое также находится в стадии разработки.

Слухи о возможном IPO TikTok вновь разгорелись в апреле 2021 года после публикации статьи Bloomberg, в которой подробно описывались приготовления единорога. Когда IPO все-таки состоится, TikTok, скорее всего, станет публичным в США, а внутренние активы ByteDance станут публичными в Гонконге. В долгосрочной перспективе это разделение, скорее всего, окажется разумным решением со стороны ByteDance.

Тем не менее, IPO TikTok пока отодвинуто на второй план, поскольку у ByteDance возникли трудности с соблюдением правил как китайских, так и американских фондовых бирж. Это связано с тем, что два его приложения – TikTok и китайский аналог Douyin – еще не достигли операционного разделения, что означает, что две компании используют один и тот же алгоритм и большую часть одной и той же технологии. Это означало, что американские и китайские регулирующие органы не удовлетворены структурой бизнеса.

Всему этому делу не способствуют трения между правительствами США и Китая, из-за которых китайское правительство становится все более строгим в отношении действий крупных технологических компаний. США также оценивают проблемы безопасности, связанные с китайскими технологическими фирмами, работающими в США. При президенте Трампе TikTok должен был быть полностью запрещен, но Байден еще не обнародовал свою официальную позицию.

Несмотря на все эти препятствия, ожидается, что ByteDance проведет IPO TikTok из-за значительного объема капитала, который он может привлечь, что может повысить его глобальную бизнес-стратегию.

Is TikTok a good investment?

With 1 billion monthly active users, the potential upside of investing in TikTok is certainly significant. According to data from Business of Apps, TikTok’s annual revenue has grown from $63 million in 2017 to $9.4 billion in 2022. 

The TikTok app has seen 3.3 billion in cumulative downloads since its launch in 2017. It is currently the 5th-largest social media app in terms of monthly active users (1.56B MAU), following Facebook (3.05B MAU), YouTube (2.49B MAU), WhatsApp (2.00B MAU), and Instagram (2.00B MAU).

TikTok’s revenue 2017-2023. Image source: Business of Apps

However, investors in TikTok are also facing significant risks, many of which are rooted in ByteDance being a Chinese company. 

TikTok is a controversial app, with several countries enacting or at least considering restricting or even banning the app. TikTok is banned outright in India, Iran, Pakistan and several other countries. Meanwhile, Belgium and Canada have banned TikTok from all work devices used by government workers.

The United States has also been considering banning TikTok and putting pressure on ByteDance. For example, former U.S. President Donald Trump signed an order in 2020 that stipulated that TikTok would be banned if ByteDance didn’t sell or spin off TikTok within a specified time period. The order was later revoked by Joe Biden. 

More than 30 U.S. states prohibit government workers and contractors from having the TikTok app installed on government-issued devices.

It’s also important to keep in mind that while TikTok’s success is very impressive, the competition is not sleeping. For example, online video giant YouTube has launched its YouTube Shorts platform, which has many parallels with TikTok. 

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