Best hosting platforms for python applications and python scripts

Создание сайта на python/django: подбор хостинга


It’s huge, offers tons of web-hosting options, and a lot of high-end additional services. It’s extremely customizable both in terms of features and pricing plans. Amazon Web Services hosting is supported on Windows and Linux servers. It’s excellent for big and complex projects.


  • It’s highly reliable, with options that include server cloning, full redundancy, and backups.
  • It has broad framework support for its machine learning and data analytics tools.
  • It’s not just focused on speed and performance, but also on security, compliance, and privacy.
  • It has top-notch customer support.
  • You can easily run and scale your application.

Plans & pricing

There are a lot of variations. Prices depend on the services you use and the time intervals you choose — they start at $0.08 per hour.


HostUpon offers unlimited disk space, bandwidth and websites hosted on all plans. It has 5 data centers across the globe, and promises 99.9% uptime for hosting services. It delivers tailored solutions for small, medium and large businesses.


  • It doesn’t just support Python, but PHP and Perl as well.
  • It offers 24/7 live customer support — very fast and knowledgeable.
  • Prices are affordable, and you get a 30-day money back guarantee.

Plans & pricing

$3.95-15.95/month for Shared Hosting Plans, $49.95-149.95/month for VPS Hosting Plans, $24.95-99.95/month for Cloud Hosting Plans, and $175.00-595.00/month for Dedicated Server Plans.

TMD Hosting

TMD Hosting uses cutting-edge cloud technology and SSD servers in order to offer faster load times. They have data centers in 7 locations around the world. They also

bet on security: regular updates, daily backups, and traffic monitoring. It’s good for getting projects off the ground, and for medium-sized businesses.


  • It’s highly reliable and secure.
  • It’s easy and intuitive to use.
  • Its performance is great, as they have a “zero-tolerance” policy for downtimes.
  • The perfectly trained support team handles both basic and technical queries in under 15 minutes, 24/7.

Plans & pricing

The prices start at $2.95/month for the Starter Plan, $5.95/month for the Business Plan, and $12.95 for the Professional Plan.

Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform is also Django hosting provider and focuses on services suitable for enterprises such as Spotify, Coca-Cola, and Sony Music. It offers many different tools, including computing, storing, running big data analytics and machine learning. The platform is also suitable for companies that look for excellent support assistance.


  • It’s beneficial for companies that needs analytics and data storage.
  • Django can run on on the same infrastructure that powers all of Google’s products that positively impacts the apps’s ability to adapt to a liable workload.

Plan and pricing

Google Cloud Platform offers $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads for new customers. All customers can use 20+ products for free, however, up to monthly usage limits. The prices start from $0.01 per GB monthly.


Hetzner is a Germany-based company that offers a variety of services that might be useful for hosting Django, SSL certificates, domain registration, dedicated services, among others. The platform is used by companies such as Showma, Autodoc.


  • It’s suitable for small and large-scale projects.
  • It’s more affordable than other hosting providers.
  • It has high quality software (partnership with Dell and Intel).


  • No data centers in the USA; only in Germany and Finland.
  • Technical documentation available only in German.
  • It’s interface is not very user-friendly.

Plan and pricing

Hetzner offers very affordable pricing plans. Level CX11 starts at €2.49 monthly and includes 20 GB disk space and 20 TB traffic. The most expensive plan is CX51 that costs €29.90 monthly and includes 240 GB disk space and 20 TB traffic.

Prerequisites for Python Hosting

Interpreter and Shell Access

Confirm the interpreter your host uses and check if it suits your needs. Do this because some hosts offer outdated interpreters that can affect your Python projects. Also, ensure that you have shell access and that the Apache installation supports CGI and mod_wsgi.

Python Modules

The first thing you need to check here is the host’s policy on Python libraries and Python modules. For example, some web hosts might offer policies that prevent them from installing anything that is not proven or tested. On the other hand, some Python web hosts will install whatever you need and will do so within twenty-four hours.

Persistent Processes

Persistent processes are resource hogs, and many hosts do not allow them. If you have to run persistent processes in a complete Python environment, consider investing in a virtual private or dedicated server. Dedicated servers are excellent; going for them is a good decision once you can cope with their maintenance necessity.


Описание сервиса

PythonAnywhere — это облачный хостинг для Python-сайтов, который предоставляет возможность запускать и хостить приложения на Python без необходимости установки каких-либо приложений на локальном ПК.

Сервис обладает множеством преимуществ, среди которых — поддержка широкого спектра библиотек и фреймворков, автоматическая настройка веб-сервера, доступ к интерактивным консолям и множество других инструментов.

Особенности сервиса

  • Бесплатный тариф, позволяющий получить доступ к некоторым функциям сервиса
  • Полная поддержка Python 2 и Python 3
  • Интерактивная консоль для работы с приложениями в реальном времени
  • Упрощенная настройка веб-сервера, позволяющая быстро запустить приложение
  • Возможность установки пакетов и библиотек через pip

Плюсы и минусы

Плюсы Минусы
Бесплатный доступ к некоторым функциям сервиса Ограниченные ресурсы для бесплатного тарифа
Поддержка Python 2 и Python 3 Отсутствие доступа к серверу по SSH
Множество инструментов для работы с приложениями

What is Python?

How Python Began

We can trace the advent of Python back to the late 1980s when Guido van Rossum began working on Python to make it a successor to the ABC programming language.

More than 30 years later, Python is used by top programmers and companies like Google, Netflix, Meta, Spotify, and Dropbox.

The most recent Python version in use today is the Python 3, although the Python 2 version is still used by three percent of Python users.

Definition of Python

Python is a popular programming language for powering machine learning, building websites, and performing software testing.

One of the reasons why it is very popular is that beginners can learn Python fast. You can start to write programs and build web applications in a few weeks.

Applications of Python

Python is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language, used in software and web development, automation, data science, and system scripting.

Python has many benefits over other programming languages. It provides a top-notch development environment for different types of software. Other benefits are its portability and strong growing community.

Best Web Server Providers for Hosting Your Python Scripts

If you want to get the best web servers for hosting your Python script, then be ready to spend a bit higher than the usual prices. The reason is that web hosts usually reserve their best features and services on their most expensive plans. As such, most of the lower plans have limited features.

The best web server that we recommend you first try out is the SiteGround VPS solution. However, you can still consider other available alternatives too. In fact, here are our top five best Python hosts.

Best Overall


SiteGround came out top on our ranking list as a perfect Python hosting solution for experienced Python developers with large Python projects and budgets.

Best for Security


If you will not choose Bluehost for its good security and generous annual discounts, at least consider its unlimited MySQL databases and intuitive control panel.

Most Developer-friendly

A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting is the ideal pick for experienced developers who have spent years managing Python projects and, thus, want to enjoy fast speed and a friendly user interface.

Has the Cheapest VPS Plans


The VPS solutions of most providers are usually expensive. However, Hostinger is an exception, as you will spend under $5 for its lowest plan.

Best for Management

Liquid Web

Liquid Web provides centralized hosting management that lets you handle your Python apps without any headaches. It is flexible, and you can get started very fast.

You would also love these top Founderjar articles and eventually find them useful.

  • Bluehost vs. SiteGround
  • Best Database Software and Systems
  • Best Web Hosting Services
  • Best Java Hosting Providers
  • Best PostgreSQL Hosting Services for Fast, Reliable Databases

Azure by Microsoft

Azure by Microsoft is one of the biggest cloud providers, which hosts

Django and allows for content delivery network, media services, web applications, API applications, and offers different toolkits. Azure will be suitable for hosting a Django website that receives a lot of traffic and requests every month. The well-known companies using Azure for hosting Django include HP, Asos, and AirBus


  • It’s complex and might take some time for new users to understand it.
  • It’s effective only for managing data.
  • It lacks a recovery mode.

Plan and pricing

You can choose from different packages from Free Package with up to 10 web, mobile API apps and 1 GB disk place, but lacks custom domain. However, the Basic Package starts from 54.75$ to 219$ per month and includes an unlimited number of web, mobile API apps and custom domain.

Лучшие бесплатные сервисы хостинга для Python-сайтов

1. Heroku

Этот сервис предоставляет бесплатное хостинг-решение для приложений Python с использованием виртуального контейнера. Heroku также поддерживает PostgreSQL базы данных, а значит, можно создавать полноценные сайты вместе со службой хранения данных.

2. PythonAnywhere

Это удобный сервис для хостинга Python приложений, который можно использовать абсолютно бесплатно. PythonAnywhere позволяет загружать и выполнять любые Python-скрипты в облачном окружении, а также предоставляет удобный интерфейс для отладки и тестирования.

3. OpenShift

OpenShift бесплатно предоставляет хостинг-решение с использованием виртуальных контейнеров для Python, а также позволяет использовать собственные Git-репозитории для загрузки исходного кода и управления приложением.

4. Google App Engine

Этот сервис от Google бесплатно предоставляет среду для хостинга Python-приложений. Google App Engine поддерживает большое количество языков программирования, и позволяет легко масштабировать работу сайта при необходимости.

5. AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Это удобный сервис от Amazon, который позволяет бесплатно развернуть Python-приложения. AWS Elastic Beanstalk поддерживает работу с Django, Flask и другими популярными фреймворками, и умеет автоматически масштабировать контейнеры для обеспечения нужной производительности.

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